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Taehyung woke up with a headache. He sighed and looked around. He had a recall of yesterday, how he was attacked by those guys. He knew it was Jackson who did these stuffs. In the name of revenge, he killed his mentor and now he was after Taehyung. He looked at his right only to notice a phone and a sticky note above the phone. He looked at it and read it and it was from Loren.

'Hello, Mr Kim! I hope you're fine. I won't be home for two days. I've asked Lisa to take care of you. And i bought your phone, which is now repaired. Now your phone is active. Please take care of yourself. I'm going to a forest area to get some woods.'

Taehyung was thankful towards Loren for helping him out. Suddenly he remembered about Lisa. He remembered her beautiful face on the sunshine. Her fair skin shining in his eyes, her beauty, her cuteness everything shined. The way she bandaged him, the way she healed his wounds, the way he felt so relaxed when she kept her hand on his wound. Everything was running in his mind. She truely had a kind and soft heart. He touched his chest feeling Lisa's touch on it. Everytime he imagine her, his heart starts beating in a rapid speed.

He came back to his senses and flinched a little when someone knocked on the door. He looked at the door only to find Lisa holding a tray filled with breakfast. She gave a warm smile as Taehyung gave a small nod. She came in and kept the tray. She passed a letter to him which he believed that she wanted to say something to him.
He took it in his hand and started to read the letter.

'Good Morning Mr Kim. How are you now? Go and get fresh so I can help you eat your breakfast : )'

Taehyung gave a small smile over the cute actions done by Lisa. Yeah, she is helpless, but still he found it very cute.

"V: Good Morning Lisa. I'm fine, thank you. And umm..."

He wanted help to get up and go to washroom so he hesitated a little to ask.

"V: Would you please help me to get up?"

Lisa nodded. As she slowly grabbed his arm to help him get up. After he successfully got up.

"V: Thank you..."

He walked leaning to the wall as his leg was little bit injured. He came out of the washroom after sometime but saw Lisa doing something. She was keeping the bandages, cotton and cream.

"V: What are you doing?"

Lisa looked at Taehyung and gave him a sign to 'come here.'

"V: Okay..."

He slowly sat on bed as Lisa kept a pillow behind so he can lean on. He slowly leaned onto the pillow. She pointed at something near his shirt.

"V: What?"

She was asking him to remove his shirt so she can change the bandages. As soon as Taehyung understood...

"V: O-Oh yeah, but what are you doing?"

Lisa again gave him a letter.

'I'm changing your bandages...'

Taehyung nodded as he removed his shirt. Lisa didn't focus on his naked body, because right now his health matters the most to her. She cut off the the used bandages, applied the cream and then lastly the bandages getting wrapped around his body. While Lisa was doing all these, she didn't realize Taehyung was staring at her the whole time. He kinda felt loved by her. He wanted some answers from her. She finished and gave the shirt to him so he can ware it along with her helping him ware it. After waring, Lisa quickly fed him the breakfast. And lastly she helped him drink the water. She filled the glass again and took out the medicine. And successfully the morning chores was done. Lisa smiled successfully.

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