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"Tzuyu: Lisa Manoban..."

Tzuyu clenched on the wine glass.

"Tzuyu: So happy having him by your side, aren't you?"

She threw the glass away somewhere in room.

"Tzuyu: Mute but smart, huh?! So brave to flirt with my guy?! Let's meet someday Lisa."

She smirked.


Mino was walking in the basement to his car where it was parked. He was scrolling through his phone when he suddenly felt someone's presence. He felt like somebody was following him.

Mino gulped hardly while sweating and turned around. Finding no one he sighed and wiped the sweat coming from his forehead. He walked back towards his car when someone stood beside him. Shocked Mino looked at the person and it was...Jimin?

"Jimin: Hey Mino..."

He noticed the death glare given by him as he was frightened. He was about to walk further when he noticed another figure infront of him and it was Taehyung.

"Mino: M-Mr Kim? Mr P-Park? I-Is everything a-alright?"

"Jimin: Not really..."

Taehyung smirked and punched his face as his vision went completely black.

Mino opened his eyes and cleared his vision by squinting his eyes. He stared blankly at the front door trying to remember what happened and why is he in this position. After 3 seconds he remembered everything and gained all his consciousness. He started panicking and looked here and there. He was in a small room where there was a dim light and a window, that's it. And he was in the middle of the room. He looked at his side and noticed some tools kept on a long desk. He was frightened. He tried to move but he wasn't able to do anything. That's when he realized that he was tied in a chair with a tape in his mouth.

"Mino: Mmmmm! Mmmmm!"

He yelled under the tape. He tried to free himself but failed. Suddenly he heard the door open. As he looked ahead, he caught a familiar face entering the room. He widened his eyes in shock realizing he is caught. He was sure he is dead now.

"V: My dear P.A, how do you feel?"

Taehyung asked bringing a chair opposite to him to sit. As he sat down he folded his legs and stared at him with his cold deadly eyes.

"V: Oops, my bad. I should've removed your tape. Then how will you speak? Here, let me help you."

He harshly pulled the tape as he groaned.

"V: can answer now."

"Mino: I-I am s-so s-sorry Mr K-Kim..."

Taehyung scoffed and leaned closer.

"V: What are you actually sorry for Mino? For betraying me or...ruining a girl's family?"

Mino shivered badly knowing he is been caught. His sweat started to drip from his forehead. Taehyung smirked and pulled out his napkin to wipe his sweat. While wiping he spoke...

"V: You know what Mino? I was actually not suprised when i found out you were involved in this. You wonder why?"

Taehyung looked at him.

"V: Well, I've got an habit of seeing people like you in my life."

Taehyung sighed...

"V: Okay, so let's get to the point?"

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