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"V: Yah! She needs to rest."

Taehyung said when Rosé told him she will be taking Lisa for shopping today.

"Rosé: Oppa, she is fine. She will come with me and that's final."

"V: But Rosie-"

Jimin came out of nowhere and cut him off.

"Jimin: Tae, let her take Lisa for shopping. Lisa is all fine now. If she goes out she would feel much better than before. And she must see how beautiful South Korea is."

Taehyung sighed and finally agreed.

"V: Alright..."

Rosé jumped and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

"Rosé: Love you!"

She ran out.

"V: Kid..."

"Jimin: My wife..."

Taehyung looked at him and saw him smiling crazily.

"V: Soon-to-be..."

Jimin glared at him.

"V: Go with them..."

"Jimin: Okayyy..."

Jimin left...

Jackson was roaming in his room while Mino was standing near the door. Mino returned back to Korea as soon as the conversation ended between him and Tzuyu. Mino directly came to Jackson telling him Tzuyu agreed for this mission. Mino observes Jackson all tensed.

"Mino: Hey! You alright Jack?"

"Jackson: I'm alright, I'm just tensed of something."

"Mino: Okay, What's wrong?"

"Jackson: I bought Taehyung and Lisa just to stay together, so it would be easy for me to target them together. I hope they won't fall for eachother."

"Mino: You know boss won't leave you...he wants Taehyung to be killed."

"Jackson: Yes, but I'm not doing anything for him. I'm doing it for myself. I want his position which Jonghyun refused to give it to me."

"Mino: It's okay Jack. Even Tzuyu is ready to help us."

"Jackson: What about Kai?"

"Mino: He wasn't available. I contacted him while coming from Taiwan. He said he will meet us soon."

"Jackson: Alright?"

"Mino: But does Boss know that you Love Lisa? And You told Taehyung that you are gonna use Lisa for S*x Market. Does Boss even know about your obsession?"

"Jackson: Boss doesn't know anything about Lisa. And the truth is I Love Lisa but if i use her for S*x Market, i would get money. It will rise."

"Mino: So both of them are true..."

"Jackson: Yes i can say. And all I'm worried about is them falling in Love."

"Mino: You believe The Kim Taehyung would fall in Love. He can't Love a girl cause according to him he doesn't wanna get hurt. And also to him, all girls are sluts. But it seems Lisa is melting him but his ego won't let him. Don't you worry, Taehyung will never fall in Love."

"Jackson: Let's see, if you say so..."

Jackson smirked. Mino suddenly remembered about Tzuyu's deal. He was scared to talk about it but still managed to ask.

"Mino: Hey Jack! Tzuyu had set a deal."

Jackson looked at him.

"Jackson: What deal?"

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