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Taehyung's gaze unknowingly looked at the girl and then his face was hung open after seeing the girl's face. It was her, the one who stole his sleep since he saw her. The one whom he saved from the guy who tried to kill her. The girl named Lisa was also suprised seeing Taehyung. Lisa already wanted to thank him for saving her. But she doesn't know why her heart was beating so fast. Not only Lisa, Taehyung's heart was beating faster than before. They both were confused. They couldn't break the eye contact as Lisa just smiled awkwardly at him.

Loren noticed both of them staring at eachother as if no tomorrow. He was confused. He realized he was just overthinking and decided to introduce his sister Lisa to him.

"Loren: Lili?"

Lisa looked at her elder brother

"Loren: He is Mr. Kim Taehyung. He is the Mafia King of South Korea. You know Park Jimin, right? He is his best friend."

Lisa looked back at Taehyung. She joint her hands and bowed a little welcoming him in Thai style. Taehyung came back to his senses and nodded at her. Taehyung almost thought he was in love. But then he thought that he was overthinking.

'She is just a kid, Taehyung. No need to overthink.'

He thought to himself. They had five years of difference. Too young, i know. But love is blind. Lisa bent down and poured the tea on the 2 cups and gave one cup to Taehyung and other one to Loren. Taehyung started the conversation...

"V: So what's your actual occupation Loren?"

Taehyung asked curious about his actual work.

"Loren: Umm...I'm a farmer. Would you like to see? Till then the food would be prepared."

Taehyung nodded.

"V: Yeah, let's go"

"Loren: Lili Join us..."

Loren said to Lisa as she nodded. Loren walked out suddenly leaving Taehyung and Lisa in awkward situation. Both looked at eachother. Taehyung gave a signal that she can go first. Lisa looked down and walked out and Taehyung behind her.

"V: You have a beautiful farm, Loren. I liked it."

Taehyung said after seeing his farm.

"Loren: Yeah and at the corner we have a lot of flowers. And guess what? Lisa loves flowers alot. Whenever she finds time, she would go there pluck out some flowers and keep making something in it."

Taehyung looked at Lisa. He remembers the case happened yesterday. The way she bumps on him and then he hovered above her and the rose petals falling on them.

"Loren Mr. Kim!"

Taehyung came back to his senses. When Loren called him a little louder.

"V: Huh? I-I am sorry. I was thinking of something."

Taehyung said and Lisa understood what he was recalling. She felt a little embarrassed recalling the moment. But she shrugged it off. Meanwhile, Taehyung didn't know why he felt so excited even if he recall the moment he hovered above her.

"Loren: So let's go. Maybe our lunch is ready."

They nodded, Tae and Lisa ofcourse.

After they got home, Taehyung and Loren had the lunch which Lisa cooked. Taehyung really loved the food made by Lisa.

"V:'s yummy."

Lisa smiled at Taehyung as soon as he appreciated. After he did bid byes to both of them and left. He honestly enjoyed their company. But unfortunately he couldn't as he have pile of work to complete. Lisa was still feeling shy after recalling the case again and again. Lisa don't know why she felt some attraction towards Taehyung. She did wanted to thank him. While Taehyung thought the girl named Lisa whom he met yestersay and few minutes ago had not even spoken a word. Was she shy? Or was she embarrassed by the case happened yesterday? He questions himself.

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