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15 Years hongdae bar at 12:00
The smell of drugs, smoke and alcohol was all around the place. Where some of the girls were doing pole dance and some were seducing the filthy hungry mens around. Waiters were distributing the drinks. One of the waiter came to a women with long blonde hairs, dressed in beautiful black sleeveless dress which was sticked to her thin body. She was waring a Saint Laurent glasses with pink cherry lipstick on her lips making her look even more sexier. Her high silleto heels looked beautiful on her long legs. She took a glass of wine and started sipping the drink. While a man came in and recognized the women and came to her. The women smirked at him and asked him to sit. She started the conversation..

"Woman: How are you? It's been so long since we've met."

She spoke with her Australian accent...

"Man: Well, I've been sticked with some work, you know? What about you? You have been in Australia for more than 3 yrs, right?"

The tall-short man said while staring at her with his glasses on his eyes.

"Woman: Hmm, Well it's good we finally met, Park Jimin. After we are assigned for a mission lets complete it together."

The man named Jimin spoke,

"Jimin: Well, i felt overwhelmed when they assigned a mission to me with you, Roseanne Kim."

The blonde girl nodded while smiling.

"Jimin: Well you are looking absolutely beautiful today, Rosé."

Jimin said and Rosé responded,

"Rosé: Thanks Jimin, i feel proud that my choice wasn't bad at all."

Jimin scoffed. Rosé turned to her left when she noticed someone familiar, someone they've been chasing for long. After noticing Rosé been looking somewhere, Jimin turned to his right and smirked.

"Rosé: Guess we found our target"

Rosé said sarcastically.

"Jimin: Wanna feel his blood on your hands?"

Jimin asked, as Rosé looked at Jimin with a wide smirk.

"Rosé: Desperate, huh?"

Rosé asked, As Jimin shaked his head.

"Jimin: No, i just want you to feel satisfied."

Jimin said,

"Rosé: But you can satisfy me in other way too."

Jimin scoffed at her dirty talks.

"Rosé: Well some other time, Jimin-ah. I guess we have to keep moving."

As soon as the man got up left, Rosé said and both of them got up following the man.

The man was taking a women with him, maybe trying to force her. He was pulling in a dark alley.

"Woman: Let me go you brat!"

The women yelled while he was gripping tighter on her hand.

"Kai: Leave you? Look at you. So sexy, so beautiful. How can i leave a women who is sexier?"

He said sarcastically but he suddenly heard a women voice speaking from behind,

"Rosé: Then i think i should change my taste, Right Kai?"

Kai turned around loosing his grip from the women's hand as she ran away covering herself.

"Kai: Roseanne Kim or Rosé? What should i call you darling?"

He smirked looking at her head to toe as the young girl named Rosé walked towards him.

"Rosé: Something that would look sexier from your beautiful lips..."

She said seductively as Kai spoke.

"Kai: Fuck, even Tzuyu didn't say me this."

He smirked.

"Rosé: What would you expect from a slut?"

Rosé said calling the girl named Tzuyu a 'Slut'.

"Rosé: Anyways, would you mind a short company in?"

Rosé asked.

"Kai: It is okay if it's long baby girl, let's go..."

He said garbbing her waist pulling her into a bar room. Rosé showed a thumbs up to Jimin who was witnessing what ever was going on. He felt jealous at her talks over Kai. So he wanted revenge from Kai.

Kai pushed Rosé on bed as Rosé gasped on his roughness.

"Kai: You've been such a slut, Rosie? Now you want my dick plugged inside your tight little pussy, huh? Let me fulfill your wish by filling your womb with my hot sperm."

He unbuttoned half his shirt buttons and climbed above her, but before he could even start Rosie kicked him on his stomach hardly by her knee and the kicked him on his chest by her heels causing him to fall backwards. Kai groaned in pains.

"Rosé: Sadly Kai, I'm not like your slut girlfriend Tzuyu."

She smirked as Jimin entered in pointing the gun on Kai. As Rosé too took out her gun pointing it to Kai.

"Kai: You both are gonna pay for this!"

Kai yelled,

"Jimin: Sorry Kai, but before that you will end up on hospital bed."

Jimin said and lowered his gun. He took out the chloroform, put it on a napkin and made him inhale it. Then Kai fainted on a moment.

Kai squeezed his eyes and tried to open his eyes. After he could clearly see everything. He looked around and saw 10 mens dressed in black, they were looking like bodyguards to him. Right infront of him were Jimin and Rosé standing while smirking at him.

"Kai: You..."

Kai grinned and tried to reach upto them but he noticed his body not moving and then he realized he was tied on chair.

"Jimin: That's alright Kai, happens."

Jimin said mockingly.

"Kai: You will be dead under my foot and I'll make sure you are not alive."

Kai said.

"???: And I'll make sure you will be under my foot before you kill them."

All of them looked at the direction where a deep voice echoed all over the basement. There was their King, Their victory...Kim Taehyung.

"V: And i feel so good when i watch my hungry dogs eating your raw meat."

The man named Taehyung said with a wide smirk.

"Kai: K-Kim T-Taehyung?"

Kai was shuttering. It was unbelievable for him to be caught by the Mafia King of the whole country.

2 months ago...
Kai betrayed his master, and it was non other than Kim Jonghyun. Who helped Taehyung to reach on what he is today. For money he killed Kim Jonghyun. Taehyung couldn't control his anger so he assigned two masterminds Jimin and Rose.

"V: Killing your master was your biggest mistake Kai, and now you have to face the consequences for killing your master."

Taehyung said

"Kai: Who is my master to you?"

Kai asked

"V: He is my teacher who helped me reach my peak. Kim Jonghyun"

Taehyung said.



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