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Lisa heard a knock on the door when she was cutting the vegetables. She got up and washed her hands before opening the door. She met two unknown faces and Loren right behind them. A man and a women with Loren. She opened the door a little wider for them. As soon as they entered, the women ran to Taehyung's room following the man. Lisa looked at Loren in confusion.

"Loren: How are you Lili?"

She smiled and hugged Loren seeing him after two days. Loren understood that she missed him and as a response he kissed her forehead.

"Loren: I have a suprise for you".

He said taking out something from behind. Lisa wide open her mouth when he took out a beautiful couple crystal ball showpiece. Lisa smiled. But what made her confuse was, why did he give her a couple one? Lisa looked at Loren and pointed at it. Loren understood and answered.

The Gift:

"Loren: This is you

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"Loren: This is you..."

He said pointing te bride...

"Loren: And this is your Prince, your love, your life partner..."

He said pointing at the groom. She gave a wide smile but it faded after realizing she had to leave him someday. Loren patted her head. Lisa aksed who are the people who entered.

"Loren: That's Mr. Park and Mr. Kim's sister, Rosé"

Lisa nodded.

"V: Rosie? Chim?"

Before he could process Rosé came and hugged him.

"V: Yah! Ouch!"

He hugged her back.

"V: I said i am okay!"

"Rosé: You-"

She slapped his chest.

"Rosé: Can't you take care of yourself! Just because I was not there, you took an advantage of it and started fighting again!"

"V: Yah! I didn't take an advantage, they hit me first so i...."

He said shrugging off his shoulders.

"Jimin: Rosie, relax he is alright. He is fine now, right tae?"

Taehyung nodded, Rosé glared at Taehyung rolling her eyes.

"V: All thanks to Loren's sister. She saved me from death."

"Jimin: Oh- we saw her outside"

Rosé nodded. Lisa and Loren entered in and saw Rosé sitting on bed and Jimin sitting on a chair.

"Jimin: We met Loren while coming here, so he helped us coming here."

"V: Oh i see..."

Loren smiled.

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