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Lisa had been sad since three of them left (Or Taehyung left i can say.) She really wished they would stay for more days but she can't deny the fact that Taehyung had his job to be done. And he has been so tensed about his enemy too. (I'm just telling what she thought). She wa cooking for dinner. They actually had alot time to eat but Lisa had nothing to do, so she thought why don't she cook something specal or today. So she did. Loren was sitting and watching Lisa doing her work. The incident of week ago and today made him think, 'I feel different for both of them. They look so cute together. I feel like they are made for eachother. Or am i just overthinking.' Lisa saw her brother looking at her for so long. She walked towards him and shaked his arm a little. Loren came back to his senses and looked at Lisa.

"Loren: Oh?"

She asked him by actions whether he was okay.

"Loren: Yeah, yeah completely."

She smiled and continue to do her work.

"Loren in Mind: All i want is, my Lili to be happy. No matter who it is. Whether its Mr Kim or someone, i should make sure they are safe and happy. I will never let my sister down."

Loren sighed. Suddenly the door was banged 4 times as both of them flinch. Lisa got scared and looked at Loren.

"Loren: Who...Who's there?!"

They didn't get any answer. Loren frowned. Lren got up nd went near the door with the snail speed.

"Loren: Answer my damn question! W-Who's outside?! Why are you banging on the door?!"

Not getting any answer he opened the door, but no one was there. Loren sighed.

"Loren: Probably must be these naughty kids..."

He whispered and was about to close the door when someone kicked the door and the door fell above Loren. He groaned. Lisa looked at the door seeing an unknown man entering the house with a wide smirk following few more people with guns. Lisa started shivering. 2 more came from behind and stood beside that unknown man.

"???: Hello baby..."

Lisa shivered. He took his steps towards her as the click noise of his shoes echoed the whole hallway. Lisa stepped back.

"???: Aww no no, don't you dare step back babygirl. You don't recognize me? It's okay I'll do it now. I'm Jackson Wang."

Lisa remembered the incident when that weird guy touched her inappropriately and repeatedly started saying Jackson's name.

"Jackson: Do you remember now? It's your future husband. Who's gonna own you real quick."

"Loren: Oh you will, if i let you touch her!"

Loren got up facing him. Jackson turned around.

"Jackson: Oh brother-in-law, What do you mean? I've been craving for your sister's body for a long time. Just look at this darling. So beautiful, so hot. How won't i touch a girl like her?"

He said mockingly

"Loren: I'll tear your tongue apart Jackson Wang! Dare to describe her with that language!"

Lisa's tears left fom her eyes.

"Jackson: Tsk tsk tsk...Oh baby, see yor brother isn't letting me touch you. Whereas i want ruin you so badly that- tsk anyways, i do have a solution for that."

Jackson smirked

"Jackson: Grab both of them..."

Both of them were pulled out. Loren was throwed on the ground. Lisa's hand was held by Jackson tightly, not letting her go towards Loren. While she was crying mess nd was struggling under his grip.

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