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I was standing in a corner of the hall, as the place smelt like alcohol, everyone were drinking including me. Jimin was with his parents spending some time with them so they could understand themselves and clear the problems they've created in Jimin's life. While Rosé was still in her room as we were told Rosé can walk in the aisle few minutes later.

Everyone were laughing, talking and celebrating Jimin and Rosé's wedding. But my i eyes were just following Lisa. She still looked depressed, upset and sad. 2 girls were with her speaking with her as she was just listening, smiling or sometimes would speak in actions with them. Well i wasn't interested what they were talking about. But definently...her.

She looked breathtaking, not gonna lie. Her beauty screamed purity and innocence with her every move i gestured. I don't know why but i insisted myself to keep looking at her observing her tiny actions. I never saw a girl as beautiful as her. Her beauty also reflects her cuteness and loyalty. I wasn't able to process my surrounding. Everything was blurr except Lisa's figure.

For no reason or maybe just looking at her, i felt kind of relaxed for the first time. As if, she is a meaning of peace i just wanted to look at her to feel peace. I silently looked at her sipping my beer.

I felt somone touching my hand which was holding the glass. I looked at my right seeing the witch- i mean Tzuyu. My eyes darkened  as my anger raised.

"V: The hell you doin' here? I didn't invite you."

I said almost growling at her as she silently grabbed my glass caressing it on my face.

"V: Look don't ruin my mood today. It's my sister's Wedding today."

She just chuckled seductively when i firmly warned her.

"Tzuyu: Taehyung, My love? Why don't you understand my love for you? I know i made a mistake, I'm trying to change just for you."

I scoffed as i looked at her with my dark eyes.

"V: Well to be honest, Chou Tzuyu, i don't notice any change in you. Move on darling, don't die for my cock."

She smirked and ran her hands through my waist.

"Tzuyu: I'm eager to plug myself in you Taehyung. Deep as fuck."

I closed my eyes in annoyance. This shit is unbearable. I held her hand yanking it away.

"V: Don't expect anything from me. I don't love you. I don't even care about you."

As soon as i confronted her, my guard called me saying it's time for Rosé to walk in the aisle. I nodded and glared at Tzuyu before walking off. All went soft, Rosé walked through the aisle as she locked her hand on mine.

"Rosé: I'll miss you Oppa..."

As she looked at me with her eyes filled with tears.

"V: I'll miss you too Rosie, now don't ruin your pretty face with your tears. It's your special day. Live a beautiful life with Jimin."

I patted her head and later handed her hand to Jimin.

"V: I trust you Chim, that's why I'm handing over Rosé to you. Keep her happy."

Jimin held my hand with a smile.

"Jimin: I'll give your sister a life of a princess. I'll not let a tear drop fall from her eyes because of me and i promise you that Tae..."

I just nodded feeling happy for them. I stepped back and let the rituals start. She grew up so quick. I didn't even get a chance to call her a kid. Out of nowhere, Tzuyu came beside me trying to get my attention. I badly wanted to kick her out but i didn't want any mess in the wedding so i let it be. I looked around and saw Lisa looking at Jimin and Rosé smiling. She looked happy and it somehow made me happy.

When Love Lasts - TaeliceWhere stories live. Discover now