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In a very creepy building...

"Killer: Sir? You sure The Victory Kim will never find me? I just did what Kai said to me. Kill Kim Jonghyun."

The killer said to an unknown man who was facing his back towards him.

"???: He will never find out about you. I would never let him find you. Because i need to kill him. But before that i need to mentally distract him. I want to find out what's his weakness."

The unknown man said with a creepy tone. He laughed creepily at his own words.

The Resort:

"Old Man: Welcome, Mr

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"Old Man: Welcome, Mr. Kim."

A old aged man welcomed Taehyung.

"V: Hello..."

He wished back politely.

"Old Man: Please come in, this place is always opened for you. Please..."

He came in and the old aged man showed the whole house to him.

"Old Man: There will be some maids working here including some chefs. If you will have any problem, you can call me sir."

"V: Thank you."

He bowed and left. As Taehyung sat on the bed. He started to unpack his things but while unpacking, he found his Mom's and his childhood picture. He looked at it and kept it on the nightstand.

"V: I love you Mom, i am sorry i couldn't protect you from Dad. If you were here, i could've atleast learnt to smile. Now i know my duty. Which i should know to do life time. Protect my sister, protect Rosé. And i will do my duty, i promise mom..."

He said as a drop of tear left from his eye. He quickly wiped it when he heard the door slightly knocked.

"V: Come in"

The maid came in and kept the tea on the table.

"Maid: Sir? Your Tea..."

"V: Umm...keep it."

She bowed and left after keeping the tray. As Taehyung drank the tea and decided to have a hot shower and get fresh.

Taehyung walked outside as the sun was already setting down. He looked at the beautiful scenery shining in his eyes. The cold air touched his toned skin and also brushed his hair behind. He inhaled and exhaled deeply. Removing all his frustration and pain, he felt light minded. He remembered how his mother and him used to sit during this time. Looking at the beautiful scenery. A lonely tear escaped from his eyes. Even though he was a strong and powerful, well-built man, he did had emotions in his heart. He wanted to be strong but he knew he couldn't. He still had hatred in his heart for his so called father. He killed his mom and Taehyung wished his dad to be right infont of him and he would kill him as soon as he will see him.

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