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At Night, Taehyung was playing with his gun. Thinking about something very deep. The Old Man's words were lingering in his mind. Is he really going to be in love with someone? Who is she? And How is she going to be? And in these thoughts, only one face appeared in his face and thats Lisa. And he doesn't know why. He was questioning himself. Jimin opened the door gaining Taehyung's attention.

"Jimin: How are you Tae?"

"V: I'm fine Chim."

"Jimin: Why are you awake then? Is something bothering you?"

"V: No I'm okay, I'm not feeling sleepy. That's why..."

"Jimin: Sure Tae? Cause i see it in your face that you're thinking something..."

"V: Uh No, trust me I'm fine Chim..."

"Jimin: Okay, wanted to speak something."

Taehyung looked at Jimin.

"V: Yeah, keep going..."

"Jimin: I know Tae, many things happened. And it is all in your mind. Me, Loren and Rosé insist you to take a break for a while. After you refresh your mind we can start to catch all those brats."

"V: No Chim, i can't. You see he is doing really weird stuffs. To get my position, he can target anyone. Rosé is strong enough to deal these things and even you including me. Loren he is helping me, even he can get targeted. I just want this things to finish before the things go in a wrong way."

"Jimin: But Tae? What about your health?"

"V: I'm doing this from many years Chim, i guess nothing would effect my health."

"Jimin: Okay, as you say. But we are with you okay?"

"V: I know..."


"Jackson: This guy seems to help Taehyung alot. Loren was his name right?"

Jackson spoke sitting in his office and the killer Jang-wan sitting in his opposite chair.
"Jang-wan: Yes sir, and..."

He took out a file giving it to Jackson. He opened it and found a picture.

"Jang-wan: This is Lisa his sister..."

"Jackson: Wow!"

Jackson wide open his mouth after seeing Lisa on picture. He was really mesmerized and obsessed with her beauty.

"Jackson: So beautiful, so cute, so sweet. So she is 17 huh?"

Jang-wan nodded

"Jackson: I've never seen such a beautiful girl like her before. Though she is younger than me, i bet she is perfect for me. Lisa Manoban..."

He said smirking like a devil.

"Jackson: Do whatever you want, but get this girl. And let me keep this picture with me."

Jang-wan nodded and left.

"Jackson: I wonder how she would taste like..."

He said shamelessly staring at her body while smirking.

It seems to rain hard again. Whether looked so cold and cozy. The black clouds were covering the sky. And few droplets were already falling from the sky. Lisa loved Rains. She loved to play in rain but obviously, Loren won't let her play. She plays when he is not home. And Loren's home. Loren was sitting on the couch reading newspaper and Lisa was looking out of he window. Taehyung, Rosé and Jimin went back to the resort they have booked. A loud thunderstorm came making Lisa badly flinch at her place. She ran to Loren and hugged Loren. Loren looked at her and understood the matter.

"Loren: Lili, its just a thunderstorm. Don't get scared."

Yeah, she is scared of thunderstorms though she loved rain.

"Loren: Lili? Come on look at me."

She broke the hug and looked at Loren.

"Loren: No, i don't like this..."

Lisa made a sign of what.

"Loren: You should be strong my Princess. You should have courage to face the world. Just like Mr. Kim, look how he fights with bad people. You have to fight too, right? With that you have to fight with your fear."

Lisa just nodded but still, she knew she can't be strong and powerful like Taehyung. Lisa remembered the dandelion incident. She quickly ran to bring a book and a pen. Loren got confused. Lisa sat and wrote the whole story and showed it to Loren. Loren smiled happily.

"Loren: Oh my god! Lili! You're going to find your first Love soon."

Lisa smiled. She again questioned by writing 'Who Oppa?'

"Loren: We don't know who is it, unless they show up by themselves."

She wrote, 'I'm scared, what if i won't be able to make my Love happy?'

"Loren: Lisa-ya, You can make your Love happy just like you make me happy. There's no need to be scared of. Remember your Oppa..."

Lisa smiled and hugged his chest.

Taehyung was standing looking outside the glass door as it started raining heavily. Looking at the sky, it reminds him of his mother. Her life was like this dark sky, and this drops of rain were his mother's tears and yet she looked beautiful even with dark skys and drop of rains.

"Rosé: Oppa?"

Rosé came from behind as he came back to reality.

"Rosé: What happened? You seem off since long."

"V: Nothing Rosé, its just I'm worried that those three brats are not coming in my hand."

"Rosé: Don't worry Oppa, God will help us out."

Rosé gave an assuring smile. Taehyung could just nod. Rosé tries to erase the tension from his mind.

"Rosé: Oppa?"

"V: Hmm?"

"Rosé: I liked Lisa alot, she is so beautiful isn't she?"

"V: Hmm"

He hesitates to answer but he doesn't know what is happening to him whenever someone mentions Lisa's name.

"Rosé: She is so soft hearted and kind, Oppa we will come here every free time we get. I want to spend time with Lisa."

"V: Okay as you wish..."

"Rosé: Thank you Brother!!"

She climbs on his back.

"V: Ouch!"

She giggles at Taehyung's annoyed pout.



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