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Love has been taken as a source of game. By only revelling their body, doesn't show how much they Love you. There are some human beings who took Love as nothing. They don't trust Love. Same here goes with the Mafia King of South Korea, Who is born ruthless, Kim Taehyung. Some girls in the country just drool over his beauty. He was born really really beautiful. But unfortunately, this beautiful guy had no interest to gain thier attentions. He was really different from other mens. He was Cruel, Ruthless, Merciless and Cold guy. He is a short tempered guy. His anger don't get controlled by anyone. Or his anger is uncontrollable. He doesn't know what he does in a period of his anger. He just burst out like an atom bomb.

But Kim Taehyung, once was a child who had endured many things in life. In a small village of South Korea, there lived a 6 yrs old Taehyung with his sister who is 4 yrs old named Roseanne Kim/Rosé. They had a soft heart which screams for Love of their mother. Taehyung and Roseanne Kim/Rosé and their Mother were the closest among the family. Taehyung and Rosè Loved his Mother so as thier Mother does to them. Taehyung's mother always Loved and cared for them and 3 of them were happy with eachother but not happier. His Mother and them, both get abused by Taehyung and Rosé's father. He used to come home late and then beats up their mother. If Taehyung does something wrong, he used to badly hit him. As his sister was just 4 years old he didn't hit her. Taehyung hated his father. His cruelties were stuck in Taehyung's mind. Taehyung was a really smart and intelligent child. But his anger rose whenever his father mercilessly used to beat his mother and him.

But he was helpless. He was just 6 yr old to fight against his father. Sometimes, after his dad finished beating her and their mother sitting and crying in a corner, they used to approach her, hug her and beg for forgiveness. There poor mother just smiles at them and forgetting all her pains and sorrows, she pulles both of them in her lap and sung a melodious lullaby for them so they can sleep quickly. Everything kept going like this. Untill one day, Taehyung's Mom was washing utensils and both of them playing with their toys. Suddenly the door burst open. It was none other than Taehyung's Dad. He smirked at 3 of them. Rosé quickly ran behind her brother being scared of his behavior. She asked him what happened but he said nothing. After what he took out from his pocket made 3 of them shock, a gun. She backed away with her son and daughter while protecting them.

Taehyung's Mom noticed the back door behind her but before that she took the red chilly powder in her wrist and threw it on the father's eyes and he yelled in pain. Taehyung's Mom quickly pushed Taehyung and Rosé out of the door and said...

"Taehyung, I'm sorry i have to go. Take care of you and Rose, Mommy Loves you both so much baby."

After she said that she quickly closed the door as Taehyung and Rosé started crying while yelling their Mom's name and asking her to open the door. On 20 minutes of banging they heard a gunshot. And that's were their heart skipped a beat. That's were he realized they had to run and while crying he grabbed his sister's hand snd started running away from there. Losing his mom made him even more crazier than before. They had lost their Mom. His Father killed their Mom. And now he had no one. They kept running and running. He doesn't know where he was going but knew they were lost in the jungle. He decided to stop running and rest under a creepy looking tree pulling his crying sister closer to him. He sat down. The sun was already down and the owls started making noises. They started crying after remembering their mom. They missed her. To make Rosé fall asleep he laid her on lap and while sobbing he sung a lullaby which was sung by his mom. Which made Rosé smile through her tears while eyes closed.

Next Morning, when he woke up he heard some strange noises. He saw a man chasing other man. Taehyung realized that it is a matter of robbery. Laying Rosé on the ground softly, he quickly looked around. Finding nothing, he bent down and started running slowly to him. He stood behind a tree and waited for him to come. As soon as he came near the tree Taehyung kept his leg causing the man to trip over. Nearby, Taehyung found a stone and quickly bet at the man's head hardly. He sighed heavily and looked at the man who was chasing this guy. The man got closer and bent down to his level...

"Man: Hey little kid? You have done a great job."

Taehyung nodded

"V: Your welcome sir..."

He smirked

"Man: What's your name?"

He asked as Taehyung replied

"V: Taehyung, Kim Taehyung..."

He said coldly and boldly with no expression in his ways. The man was suprised cause usually a child gets scared of a stranger but this kid was so confident and strong to speak to him.

"Man: So confident you are, huh?"

He said...

"V: Look sir, I've no time to mess with you. I've my own work too..."

Taehyung said

"Man: Where are your parents?"

Taehyung's face got low and the man noticed it.

"Man: Is everything okay? What happened? Why is your face low?"

Taehyung looked down while his eyes got teary..

Sitting near the tree Taehyung explains everything to the man while his sister was right beside him. And ofcourse he felt sorry for that lonely children.

"V: Now, i don't wanna be a freak. I wanna be strong. To face the world and teach Rosé to be strong."

The guy nodded after Taehyung said...

"Jonghyun: My name is Kim Jonghyun. I am a coach. I train people for missions. I too lost my parents."

Taehyung looked at him wondering what missions he gives training for.

"Jonghyun: Take me as your Hyung, and let me help you, Tae? You should be something which the world should be feared. This becomes your past. That Taehyung didn't knew how to fight. But now you should be changed. You should show your monster side to everyone. Show them who you are. Show them that you're Victory, You are V, Kim Taehyung"

Taehyung's soul as if was waiting for this command, he nodded.

"V: I'm V, The Victory Kim..."

"Jonghyun: Good boy"

"V: But what should i do now?"

Taehyung asked...

"Jonghyun: I know very well what to do Taehyung, come with me..."

He dragged both Rose and Taehyung, somewhere where no one knows...



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