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I wrote lazily, switching my eyes from the teacher to my notebook every minute or so. My hand was beginning to feel sore from holding my pen for so long.

"And with that," Professor Carlson set the projector remote down. "Class is over." He walked to the light switch. The light filled the room as he walked back to his desk. He stepped in front of his desk and leaned back against it as he crossed his arms. "Everyone, have a great break."

I closed my notebook and put it in my bag. I closed my laptop and slid it in the back pocket in its place. Everyone was already walking out of the class. I pulled the strap of my bag onto my shoulder, letting it rest on the side of my body. I walked down the steps.

I walked toward the desk. "Professor."

He lifted his head from his phone. "What's up?"

I rested my hand where the strap of my bag met my bag. "I was wondering about the final project. You haven't really spoken on it."

He turned his phone off and slid it in his pocket as he stood up straight. I took a small step back and took a small breath.

"I don't feel that there's anything else to say about it."

I nodded once, "I realize that, but, as I'm sure you've learned by now, I need feedback."

He sighed and stepped closer. "It's a holiday, Evelyn. There's no need for you to stress about school at this time."

"Yes, I understand that, but -"

He put his hand on my arm, "I'll let you know as soon as possible." His hand felt rough against my skin.

"Fine. Thank you for your time."

He removed his hand and crossed his arms. His deep brown eyes bored into mine. "Have a great break."

I swallowed and nodded. "You too."

I made my way out of the classroom feeling more stressed than before I asked about it. I tried not to think about the even bigger stressor: going back home.

And as if it could sense my frustration, my phone started ringing. I answered Caroline's call and put my phone to my ear as I walked down the steps.

"Hey, Vale."

"Hey, Care." I sighed.

"Are you headed home yet?"

"No. I just got out of class. I'll be home later tonight." I pushed through the doors of the school.

"Do you know what time?"

I stopped walking. "No. You'll know when I get there."

I heard yelling in the back. "Elena said hey."

"Hey. I gotta go, Care."

"Alright. Well, before you go, can I ask you something?"


"Do you feel like having dinner with everyone tonight?"

I started walking again. "I don't know. It depends on how I feel when I get there."

"Okay." She sighed.

"I'll let you go now. I love you. Drive safe."

"I love you too." I stopped in front of my car and ended the call. I put my phone back in my pocket.

I put my bag in the backseat before getting in the driver seat. I buckled up and started the car.

I admired my own ability to think ahead. I predicted I would be too exhausted to pack and put everything in the car right before I left for Mystic Falls, so I piled everything in the trunk last night. I made sure not to forget anything.

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