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Five days in a hospital that were uncomfortable and awkward. Thankfully, I'll be able to leave soon. If I have to stay here another week with these three, I'll jump out the window.

I traced the ceiling tiles with my eyes while Caroline argued with Stefan about whatever. I lost track of the subject five tiles ago.

"Can you two argue somewhere else?" I looked at them. "It's really annoying, and I'm not allowed to leave, so..."

Caroline sighed, "Sorry." She stood up, and Stefan followed her out of the room.

I looked at the ceiling again. Kai's silence made me feel disturbed. He hasn't spoken since I woke up, and it was only to ask if I needed anything. The sound of the dripping IV made my skin crawl; it only reminded me of that dingy place.

"You okay?"

"Mhm." I looked at him. His head was leaned to the side. "You don't have to stay. I'm sure you have other things to do."

He pushed himself to sit up. "I don't. And I'm not leaving until you do."

I tilted my head. "Why?"

"Because I'm the..." He shook his head once. "Can't you just go back to sleep or something?"

I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling. "I wish. Unfortunately I have to be aware that you're watching me. Can't you watch me from outside the room?"

"Sure. But I prefer being beside you."

I sat up, whining in pain. I looked at him. He was on the edge of his seat. "Get out. You've been here too long, and I hate it. I'll make Caroline call you when I want you. You're going insane here, and it's not helping me. So please go."

He sighed, a pained look on his face. "How am I supposed to know you're okay?"

"You always know anyway, which is freaky, by the way." I could see the debate in his mind. I tilted my head, "I appreciate your concern and your presence, but I want to be alone. I can't process this unless I'm not."

He stared at me, unmoved, for a minute or two. "Fine. But I'm coming back." He stood up.

I stared up at him. "When you're stable."

He tilted his head, "So never."

I smiled, "Exactly."

He stared at my lips for a few seconds. A contented look covered his face. His hand brushed mine as he walked away. The doctor nodded to him as they passed.

She smiled as she walked over. She was hugging the clipboard to her body. "How are you feeling today, Evelyn?"

I sat back and twisted my pointer finger with my other hand. "I don't know. I haven't had time to think about it."

She nodded as she sat the clipboard on the rolling table. She glanced between the machines and her clipboard, writing down between each look. "Well, you seem to be recovering excellently."

"Mm." I looked down at my hands.

"What's that?"

I shook my head. "It just doesn't feel like it." I looked up at her.

She nodded. "That's natural with all traumas, unfortunately. You won't feel like yourself for a while. That's the case with most patients, sadly. I could recommend you to a therapist if you feel that would help?"

"No. I don't think so."

"That's okay. If you change your mind, just let me know." She nodded. She wrote down something else. She stared at her chart as she talked, "Now, I never discussed the extent of your injuries with you." She looked up at me.

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