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After he stopped asking annoying questions in the car because I wasn't answering, he turned on the radio to a station that played constant 80's music. Before getting out of the car, I called Caroline to make sure she wasn't here. She had left just before we got here. While making the call, Kai stared at me like an impatient child.

I stopped at the end of the hallway and stared at the door. My stomach sank.


I looked at Kai. "Shut up." I looked at the door again.

"Why are we just standing here?"

"I don't know if anyone's in there. If they are, they'll kill you. You know that just as well as I do."

"Not really. I've known you for like a week."

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him. "But you've known Damon way longer. You've probably been able to witness his homicidal tendencies as well as his short temper. You can understand that if you die, she does. And if that happens, I will drag your ass back here from hell myself, got it?"

He nodded once, a grin on his face. "Yes, ma'am."

I turned back to the door and started walking, he followed a few steps behind me. I opened the door. There was no one except my mom. She's asleep. Which is the best thing that could happen today.

Kai shut the door behind him. He walked to the other side of the bed. He looked down at my mom. He tilted his head. "Mommy dearest?"

I felt my heart jump. "I said no questions."

He looked at me. He stared at me for a few minutes. It was a challenging look. I felt the intensity of it through my entire body. It settled just below my stomach.

"Can you just do it so we can get through with this?"

He raised his eyebrows, "You're really uptight. When's the last time you had sex?"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to stand next to him. He stared down at me, his eyes boring into mine. "Just do the spell."

He stepped closer, tilting his head. The amusement faded from his expression. I pulled the gun out quickly and pressed it against his body. I cocked it.

"Do it."

He narrowed his eyes as his lips parted. It may be one of the hottest things I've ever seen. I can admit that, albeit shamefully.

"What the hell?"

I didn't have to look over to see that Damon and Stefan were both here now. Damon's anger was flooding the room as was Stefan's. I rolled my eyes and looked at them.

"What is he doing here?!" Damon's loudmouth was going to bring attention. And a gun's not? I ignored my own logic.

"Helping," Kai answered.

"Right," Damon retorted. "Of course."

I looked at Kai. "Do it."

"Touch her and you die," Damon interrupted.

Kai responded to Damon as he stared at me. "If I don't, I'll die. I would much rather let Evelyn get whatever the hell she wants and die than to listen to you and die."

I tilted my head. "Ten seconds."

He grabbed my mom's hand. "Put the gun down."

I uncocked it and lowered it. He nodded once then turned to my mom. He held her hand between both of his. I turned to face the Salvatores.

"How do you know this isn't going to make it worse?"

"Taking away the magic will stop it. You said so yourself." I glanced at my mom to see a dim red glow surrounding her and Kai's hands.

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