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The test was negative. Valerie figured out that the babies had been cloaked by the Gemini coven to protect them from Kai. He won't be pissed about them anymore because he's a heretic, and he doesn't need to be the leader of a coven anymore.

Caroline asked me to stay in the room while Valerie does the ultrasound. Jo and Ric decided to stay out of the room. Stefan's holding her hand. I stared at Valerie, wondering how she found all of this out and why she's so eager to help.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

"Oh my god."

"You're pregnant," Valerie stated.

With someone else's kids, I thought. I hate that I wanted to cry. It may be someone else's, but she's still pregnant. Even a vampire can have kids.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, choking on my own jealousy.

Valerie walked out of the room. I followed her, letting them have their moment.

"She's pregnant, right," Jo put her hand on my arm.

It was hard to look at her. I nodded once. "Yeah."

She sighed. She and Ric shared a glance. They looked fearful.

"What's... Is something wrong?"

She shook her head once. "No, I'm just -" She smiled. "I just found out a few days ago that I'm... I'm pregnant."

My throat felt like it was closing. I forced a smile on my lips. "Congratulations."

"Could you not tell anyone?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I took a quick breath. "I have to go."

I made my way out of the hospital and ran to my car. I drove as fast as I could with no destination. The anger in my body was making it hard for me to focus. Speeding probably isn't the safest option.

My jealousy got caught in my throat. I eased off the gas pedal as I thought of what to do. I couldn't take my thoughts away from the pregnancy and Caroline's happy life.

I want a happy life. The person I want a happy life with doesn't want it with me enough, though.

I found myself staring at his apartment building. I got out and walked to his door. I didn't hesitate to open the door and walk in. He was walking out of his bedroom. He paused, a confused look on his face. I walked toward him.

"What are you-"

I put my hand at the side of his face. "Shut up," I muttered before kissing him.

His hands instinctively grabbed my waist, pulling me against him. I moved my hands to my shirt and pulled back from the kiss as I pulled it off. I replaced my hand to the side of his neck and pulled him close to kiss me.

He stopped kissing me for a second, breathing heavily. "I thought you didn't want to see me."

"I don't. So shut up and kiss me before I find someone else."

He moved his hand to the back of my head as he started kissing me again. I moved my hands to the bottom of his shirt, and he pulled back to take it off. He was on me again, pulling me against him as he kissed me quickly.

He pulled me with him as he walked backward to his bedroom. Along the way, we lost our clothes. I pushed him to sit back, moving to straddle him. He raised up on his elbows, watching me as I sank down on his cock, stopping nearly halfway.

After gaining his ability to stop staring with a look of awe on his face, he sat up, grabbing my hips and forcing me all the way down. I screamed out as he moaned. I rocked my hips slowly. Put my hands at the sides of his head, my fingers threading through his hair while my thumbs rested against his cheeks.

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