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It was quiet. As quiet as last night. I opened my eyes slowly. I looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand. 7:37. I breathed out slowly and raised up on my elbows. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. There were a few texts.


How's home?


Ok. Got in late. Hopefully, today won't be boring.


Gtg. Say hey to your sister for me. ;)


She would break you.


That's what I'm hoping for. Stay sweet, Ev. XX


Will do. XX

I turned my phone off and laid it face down on the bed. I buried my face in my hands. I dug the heels of my palms into my eyes. I sat up and moved off the bed. I walked sluggishly to my bag and brought it onto the bed. I pulled out panties, a bra, a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve shirt.

I carried them with me to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

I remember begging for this room. Caroline was mad about it. It was my reward for getting all A's through middle school.

I sat my clothes on the sink and walked to the shower. I turned it on and walked in front of the mirror. Luckily, I didn't wear mascara yesterday, or it would've smudged. My hair was a mess. I walked back into the room. I grabbed my bag of makeup and hair stuff. I walked back into the bathroom and sat it on the sink. I pulled out my brush and brushed my hair. I got undressed and got in the shower.


I finished getting dressed and then dried my hair the rest of the way. It was wavy. It was okay. I brushed my teeth. I pushed my hair behind my ears before stepping closer to the mirror. I curled my lashes, then put on mascara. I stepped back. I pushed my hand back through my hair. It looked the way I wanted it to. It was better than okay.

I walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my necklace out of my bag and put it on. It was a silver chain. The charm was a diamond. I grabbed my phone before walking out of my room. I could hear something from downstairs. I made my way to the noise.

It was in the kitchen. I was careful not to make noise. I listened to my mom singing. I watched her finish making breakfast. There were already plates of bacon and biscuits on the counter. She was frying eggs. I could hear the pop of one. She laughed softly before continuing her humming. I could practically see her smile.

I couldn't stop the smile that had emerged on my lips. She put the last egg on the plate. She turned off the burner.


She turned quickly. There was an expression of joy and disbelief on her face. "Evelyn." Her smile grew.

She rushed over to me. She wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back. I sighed quietly and closed my eyes.

I could feel the tension in her body. I suddenly felt guilty for all the resentment and bad feelings I had toward her. "Mom."


I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry. I've been a really bad daughter."

She pulled back and stared at me. "No, you haven't. I've been a bad mom. I've ignored you and pushed you to the side. I'm sorry." She moved her hand to the side of my face. "I'm incredibly proud of the intelligent, amazing, and beautiful woman you've become. I hope you can forgive me and everything I've done. You know, I may not have been so great with you in the past, but I just... I was afraid of messing up. I didn't know how to handle two daughters. I should've been here for you. I'm so sorry."

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