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I haven't left the house in a week because of the car that's decided to remain parked right around the corner.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

I looked up from the floor to Caroline. "Mhm."

She sighed and stepped closer, "I'm worried for your sanity. Staying inside all the time isn't healthy."

I sighed. "I just don't feel comfortable leaving the house."

She tilted her head, "Why not? We'll be with you the whole time." A smile formed on her lips. "Kai will be there," she sang.

I rolled my eyes. "You say that like it means something." It means more than anything.

"You're friends, Evelyn. And you're always in a better mood around him."

"We haven't even talked lately." I squeezed my arms tighter around myself. "And I don't feel like swimming."

"So just come to hang out! It will be so much fun."

"Come on, Evelyn." Bonnie walked over from the mirror. "Everyone's going."

Both of them stared at me with puppy dog eyes. I sighed and moved my hands to the bed. "Fine."

Caroline squealed and pulled me to my feet. "Get dressed. We'll wait for you."

I shook my head, "You don't have to. Matt called yesterday and said he was going to be late and that I could just call him for a ride."

She smiled, "Okay."

Bonnie smiled at me, "We'll see you there."

I smiled back at her. They both left. I let out an exaggerated sigh as I moved to my closet.

Even though I'm not swimming, I still put on a bikini. I pulled on a pair of shorts. I put on a white button-up, leaving it unbuttoned and rolling up the sleeves. I quickly put my hair in two braids before slipping on my shoes. I put on mascara before grabbing my phone and walking out of my room.

I followed the sound of Matt honking the horn of his truck. I got in and shut the door.


I smiled at him, "Thanks for the ride."

He started driving. "Yeah, no problem." He glanced at my outfit before looking at the road. "I thought Caroline said you weren't swimming."

"Oh, I'm not. It's just really hot out."

"Yeah," he breathed. "Loading those kegs in this heat was torture."

I glanced back at the bed of the truck. There were four kegs. I looked at him. "Who helped you?"

"Ty. He was going to ride with me, but he found a girl and they rode together."

"As per usual." I looked out my window. The music playing from the radio drifted to my ears.

"Hey, you're close with Kai, right?"

"I guess so. Why?"

"I was just curious."

I looked at him. His brows were furrowed. He tightened his grip on the wheel. I looked out the window again, brushing off his question.

I got out of the truck, taking in the lake. There were a lot more people than I pictured; at least forty people were in the water, and twenty people were out of it. All of them seemed happy, though. I walked to the bed of the truck. I watched Matt pull the tailgate down. He offered me his hands once he was standing on the truck bed. I took his hands, and he pulled me up. I walked behind the kegs and grabbed the tap.

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