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I stared at the map, waiting for the blood to move.

"Last time we tried this, it didn't work. Why would it work now?" The frustration and hopelessness in Caroline's voice was starting to get to me.

"Giving up isn't an option."

"I didn't say that."

I've been lashing out at her every time she says something that comes off the wrong way. The past month has been hell on all of us, but I only recently realized that it was Caroline who's feeling the most. She can't lose her sister because she's lost everyone else. "Sometimes, magic can wear off without the witch even realizing it. That's why I'm trying again." I looked at her.

She was staring at her blood on the map. I could see the tears in her eyes. My chest tightened. Empathy is a funny thing. I watched as her brows furrowed. She straightened up. I looked at the map. The blood was slowly moving toward the center of town. It stopped. I felt hopeful and angry.

"How is that even possible?"

"Oh my God," she whispered.

I looked at her. "What?"

"Why didn't I think of that before?" She furrowed her brows.

"What, Caroline?" I was growing impatient.

She looked at me. "There are tunnels under Mystic Falls."




The tears spilling from my eyes matched the amount of blood that was building around the knife stabbed in my stomach. The door opened again, and another cry escaped my throat. "No."

I heard incoherent talking. I tried to open my eyes, but it was too much work. I felt the restraints on my body being released. I couldn't think of what they wanted from me now. The feeling of a hand at the side of my face made me feel nauseous.

"Hey. Open your eyes. Baby, please."

I forced my eyes open. Kai's face made me feel hopeful. I watched his lips move, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. A few seconds later, the knife was pulled out of me. My mouth was covered by his wrist, and he forced me to drink from him. The taste of blood filled my mouth, making me feel sick. It doesn't matter, though.

His other hand rested at the side of my face. He pulled his wrist away. After a minute, he helped me to sit up. He slid one arm under my legs and supported my back with the other. I laid my head against his chest. I let my eyes close.

There was a lot of movement, making my body ache. I could hear other voices. Two of them. I don't know which two. I felt Kai's arm around me and a car seat under me. I opened my eyes. One of his hands was on my waist, barely touching me. The other was in a fist on his leg. I reached for his hand, nudging his fingers away from his palm. I could hear his shaky breathing. I placed my hand on his, sliding my fingers between his. I couldn't squeeze it, though. Which made tears fill my eyes.

He leaned his head on mine. "You're okay," he whispered. "I'm right here."

For the first time in a long time, I let myself fall asleep.

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