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"You're avoiding him."

I glanced at Ryan, who was standing beside me. "No, I'm not. I'm just talking to you."

He turned his body to face me. "You won't even look at him. What happened?"

I rolled my eyes. "Kai and I are fine. You, on the other hand, need to worry about your date. Where is she, by the way?"

He looked around, "Probably talking to someone." He looked at me. "I'm gonna go find her." He glanced behind me. A smirk crossed his lips as he looked at me again. "Fix your issues." He started walking away.

I turned around. Kai stopped a foot from me. "Issues?"

I nodded, "He thinks I'm avoiding you."

"Well, we haven't spoken since I picked you up, so he-"

"Don't side with him."

He tilted his head, "Something is wrong with you. Ever since last night, you've been acting weird."

I shook my head, "I'm not acting weird."

He stared at me for a minute, going through things in his mind. "We don't have to live together."

I stared at him. I had forgotten he even asked. "Oh." I shook my head, "That's not..." I stopped. This could be a bridge for me to get over my thoughts. "I just need time to think about it. And it's not because of you. I love you, and I would love to be with you all the time, but the house..." I felt my throat tighten as I thought about actually leaving it. "That house is one of the only things left of my mom." I shook my head. "I don't know how to give that up."

He stepped closer, grabbing my hands. "You don't have to give that up. I'll be with you anywhere you need me to. We can live together in your house or anywhere else. Just say the word and we'll be in Brazil in two hours." He placed my hands on his shoulders, and he stepped closer, putting his hands on my waist. "Or you can say no, and things can stay the exact way they are." He shook his head, "The only thing that matters is that I have you, baby."

I tilted my head, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You do have me."

He smiled. "Then we're okay?"

I stared at him for a minute and then nodded, "We're okay." He wrapped his arms around me and leaned down to kiss me. I slid my hands to his neck as I pulled back from the kiss.


I turned to look at Stefan, who was a few steps ahead of Damon. I pulled away from Kai. "Hey."

Damon stepped beside Stefan, "We have a problem."

"What is it this time?"

"Matt's mom," Damon answered. "She's drunk, and she's trying to get to Caroline."

"Where is she?"

"That's the problem," Stefan answered. "We lost her."

"Okay." I glanced at Kai, then looked back at the Salvatores. "I'll find her. Tell Bonnie to walk Caroline and don't let Caroline wait for me."

"You can't miss the wedding," Stefan objected.

I looked at him. "Well, I'm not letting her ruin the wedding, and neither of you can look for her. Caroline will get over it." Music started playing, signaling for everyone to take their seats.

"Fine," Damon responded. "Just don't make a scene." He put his hand on Stefan's shoulder, and they started walking away.

I started off, but Kai grabbed my hand. "Wait."

I turned to face him, putting my hand at the side of his face as I kissed him. I pulled back and stared at him. "I'll be fine. I'll see you in a minute."

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