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I didn't sleep that night. Or the night after. I was alone the night after and I felt lonely which isn't a good combination for me. Damon had compelled Ryan to leave. I didn't watch him do it because I didn't want him to leave. After he was done with the compulsion, Damon told me that Stefan had flipped his switch. I wanted to cry but I didn't. I wanted to call Kai but I didn't.

Nothing feels right or okay and it's bothering me. I feel like I'm reverting back to how I used to be. I've been alone for the past week. The only interaction I've had is with Damon, and that was so he could tell me to stay out of it. Whatever "it" is. It would be nice if someone came over at least once, but they're all working on finding and fixing Stefan and Carolne.

The knock on my front door makes me freeze. I stopped pouring the coffee and looked up. I sat the mug and the coffee pot on the counter. I slowly made my way to the door. I hesitated before pulling the door open. I stared at the man suspiciously.

He had bright blue eyes and dark hair with streaks of gray in it. He was muscular and big. At least 6'5. Not terrifying at all. Especially not to a girl who's home alone and has no way of defending herself. I kept holding the doorknob.

He offered a smile, "Hi, Evelyn. I, um, worked with your mom." He tilted his head. "I wasn't able to make it to the funeral because I was out of town. I was wondering if you had a minute."

I opened my mouth to speak but then looked down to see the shoes of two people behind him. I looked up at his face. His demeanor changed and he stepped back. "Forgive me." He glanced back at the two before returning his attention to me. "I'm Darren. This is Chris," he pointed to his left to a guy who looked identical to him, "And Tom," he pointed to his right to a guy who also looked identical except for a few freckles on Tom's face. They were all dressed in solid black and leather jackets.

I shook my head once, "My mom never mentioned any of you."

Darren laughed before stepping closer again. "She was a busy woman and she knew a lot of people. Isn't it possible that she just forgot to mention us?"

I stared back at him, waiting for his smile to crack and for him to become hostile. "Sure..."

"Can we just talk for a while?"

I was curious as to who these people really are. I opened the door further, stepping back as I pulled it open. He nodded graciously and walked into the house followed by Chris and Tom. They made their way into the living room and made themselves comfortable on the couch. The couch was huge, but they made it seem small. I shut the front door but left it cracked in case the neighbors needed to hear me scream for help.

I stood in front of the coffee table with my arms crossed.

"Aren't you going to sit," Tom asked. He seemed mad.

I looked at him. "No." I looked at Darren.

"Your mom mentioned you were in college. Harvard."

I nodded once, "Yeah."

He smiled, "Very impressive."

"Thanks," I answered.

"She was a great woman. Very kind and smart. And she raised very beautiful children. How old are you?"

I didn't answer for a moment, noticing a holster on the side of his jeans. "Seventeen." I looked at the floor before looking at his face again. "How did you know my mom, again?"

He chuckled. "We're old friends. From high school, actually."

I raised my eyebrows, "And you stayed in touch?" I tried to calm my heart as it beat faster. He knew her from work.

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