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I stepped out of the car and ran through the rain to Kai's apartment building. I rushed up to his apartment. I forgot to grab the bracelet Caroline had asked for, so I came back to grab it quickly. As I searched frantically for the jewelry, there was a knock on the door.

I sighed as I walked to the door. I opened it to see a woman. Her shoulder length, wavy hair framed her freckled face. Her green eyes were glossy. The smile on her face wavered. She was twisting a ring around her finger.

"Can I help you?"

She cleared her throat before nodding. "You're Evelyn, right?"

I furrowed my brows as I tightened my hold on the doorknob. "Who are you?"

She tilted her head. "My name's Taylor." She was quiet for a moment. "Can I come in?"

I shook my head once. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

She stared at me for a minute. "You already know."

"I really don't."

She lifted her left hand. "I'm Taylor Parker. Your boyfriend's wife."

I felt my stomach sink. "What?" I thought back to a few weeks ago. Forever Ours, K+T.

"We need to talk."

I furrowed my brows. "No, we don't."

She rolled her eyes as she walked past me. I turned to face her after pushing the door closed. After looking around, she looked at me. "You need to let go of my husband. Undo whatever witchy spell you cast on him. He doesn't love you anymore. He thought you were dead. He only came back to check."

I scoffed. "You're not serious, right?"

She stepped closer. "He married me. He chose me."

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, but I don't think that's what you should be focusing on."

She sighed. "You're upset." She nodded. "I would be too if I lost someone like him. But I didn't."

"Listen, Taylor," I tilted my head, "I've had a very long, horrible week. So, it would be great if you just -"

"No! He's my husband!"

The words felt like a stake to the heart. We're engaged. He asked me to live with him. He asked me to spend the rest of our lives together. "I'm sorry."

"You don't believe me." She laughed. "Ask him where he was a few weeks ago when he disappeared."

I was struggling to keep myself calm. "I didn't steal -"

"With me! He was with me! He chose me! Not you! While you were here crying about your dead... whatever, he was with me!"

The rage that I was suppressing was buzzing in every part of me. The sadness I had felt the past few weeks faded from my brain. It's unnecessary. Everything he felt for me was fake. Right? Why else would he go off and get married. He doesn't actually care about me. It was all just fun for him. Her mouth kept moving as she kept rambling on about how he chose her. Who the hell cares?

I rolled my eyes as she kept dragging on her sentences. "Are you done?"

She got an offended look on her face. "I was in the middle of -"

Before she could get the rest of her sentence out, I shoved my hand in her chest, clutching her heart. She screamed out as I squeezed it. The color drained from her face as blood spilled from her mouth. I used my other hand to separate her head from her body.

I blinked a few times as her blood spread everywhere, including on me. I ripped out her heart and watched her body drop to the ground. The blood from her chest went up to my wrist. I looked at her hand. The ring. I bent down and tore her ring finger from her body. I pulled the ring off before dropping the finger from my hand. The ring had the same engravings as Kai's.

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