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Stefan stared at Caroline as she lifted off her reasons. They've finally moved on from picking where to pick when.

"Whatever you want, Care."

She sighed in frustration. "This is your wedding too."

"I know, but the only thing that really matters to me is that it's with you."

"Aww." I started to take a drink of the bourbon in my hands.

Caroline glared at me. "Be quiet."

I glanced at Stefan as I pulled the glass back to my lap.

The front door opened. I didn't look over for a minute, too caught up in their wedding date debacle. Once I did, I almost choked on air. Kai was talking to Damon.

Kai walked into the kitchen, and Damon walked further into the living room. He walked to the bourbon tray behind the couch. I got up and walked over to him. He looked at me.

"Why is he here?"

He sighed as he looked back down at the glass he was pouring. "I invited him."

I waited for further explanation.

He turned to face me. "You decided to send my friend back home before we could have one drink. This is karma, Evelyn."

"Hmm, and here I thought you only believed in your own shoddy psychopathic killing sprees."

"Just because my belief system isn't broadcasted, it doesn't mean I don't have one." He walked over to the couch. A few seconds later, Kai was seated next to him.

I averted my eyes to the calendar Caroline was holding. "The 17th."

"A month," Stefan asked.

She looked at him. "It'll be fine. Evelyn will help." They looked at me.

I nodded once, "Sure."

"Great," Caroline responded. They looked at each other.

I pulled out my phone after it buzzed.


Need saving?




Almost there.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket. He dropped me off an hour ago to run errands. He was vague about what kind. I omitted the coming back part to Damon. I also didn't tell Ryan that Damon's here to save myself time.

"Okay, I have to go." Caroline kissed Stefan, then stood up and turned to me. "Do you need a ride?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Okay. I'll see you at home then."

I nodded, and she walked away, leaving.

"Stressed yet?"

Stefan laughed softly at Damon's question. "A little."

"You should've pushed it off. That's what I did."

"And how's that going for you?" I took a drink and swallowed it.

Damon glared at me. "We're fine."

I smiled. "Is that what she tells you?"

"Evelyn," Stefan warned.

I looked at him. "I'm just saying." I looked at Damon. "You've been with Elena for six years. You've broken up ten times, and you keep doing it. Maybe settling down is what you need. Or at least take another step. You seem stuck."

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