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I picked up the cut-up pieces of strawberries and held them in the palm of my hand. I tightened my hold on Lizzie as I opened my hand to reveal the strawberries to her. She stared at them for a few seconds before grabbing a piece and shoving it in her mouth.

"She hates strawberries," Damon protested from the kitchen table.

I looked up at him as Lizzie grabbed more. "Maybe she just hates you."

He rolled his eyes, looking back at the other baby, who Caroline was holding as she sat across from him. I walked over, sitting the strawberries in front of Amelia, the other baby. I handed Lizzie off to Damon before walking to the sink and washing my hands. I dried them before walking back to the kitchen island.

I started cutting up the rest of the fruit. The door opened to the kitchen, and Kai walked through. I glanced at him before looking back at the knife in my hands. He returned the salutations Damon and Caroline offered before he walked over to me. He stopped at the end of the island.

"Usually, we at least look at each other."

"I did look at you."

"Mhm. For two seconds."

I stopped cutting and looked at him. "Better?"

He smiled. "Mhm."

I rolled my eyes and looked back down at the knife. He walked behind me. He put his hands on the counter as he rested his head on my shoulder. "When can we go," he whispered.

"A few minutes." He whined softly, only loud enough for me to hear. I put the knife down. "Never mind." I moved my hands to his, pulling them off the counter as he lifted his head. I looked at Caroline as Kai, and I walked toward the kitchen door. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"What about tonight," Damon asked.

I stopped, staring at him in confusion. "What?" He glanced at Caroline, then looked at me. The realization hit me. "Right. Just call me later." I felt Kai's grip on my hands loosen.

"Have fun," Caroline muttered.

Kai pulled me with him as we walked out of the house. "What's tonight," he asked after we were in his car.

I looked over at him. "Wedding stuff."

He stared at me, confused. "What?"

I grabbed his hand, putting it on my thigh, "Drive."


I walked toward the bed, where he was lying with his eyes closed. I climbed onto the bed, swinging my leg over his lap. I leaned down, kissing his neck. I slid my hands from his chest to his neck. He moaned softly, sliding his hands from my thighs to my hips.

I kissed up his jawline, stopping just below his ear. I lifted my head and looked down at him. He opened his eyes. There was a tired look in his eyes. His hair was still messy from just a few hours ago.

The feeling of his hands never leaving mine as we found our way from the car to his apartment ran through my mind. The call from Damon drew me out of the sleep I was in after. After that, I just decided to wash the sex off of me. Now, here we are.

"You're wearing clothes," he noted. His voice was filled with sleep.

"Mhm." I kissed him softly.

"Why are you wearing clothes?"

I laughed. "You love me, right?"

"More than anything."

I kissed him again. "And you would do anything for me?"

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