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The sound of my phone ringing filled my ears. I groaned as my senses caught up to me. My thighs were sore, actually my whole body was. I lifted my head off the pillow and looked at the bed beside me. Kai was laying on his back with his head facing the other way. I looked to my other side. I reached for my phone on my nightstand. I pulled it in front of my face and stared at Damon's name.

I answered it and put my phone to my ear. I laid back down and closed my eyes. "It's 6 in the morning."

"Yeah, well, I don't care. Stefan and I will be there in 20."

"No. Leave me alone." I felt Kai press into me from behind. His lips found my neck as his hand found my stomach.

"No. We have to talk to you about something." Kai pulled my legs apart. I gasped as he slipped the tip of his cock inside of me. "What was that?"

"Nothing," I breathed. "I'll see you in 20." I pulled my phone away and ended the call. He pushed deeper inside of me and I moaned. "What's wrong with you?"

He pulled out of me. "You woke me up." He pushed inside of me and I screamed, twisting the bed sheets as I gripped them tightly.

He grabbed my hips, turning my body to be flat on the bed. He moved on top of me, thrusting inside of me to the base of his cock. I moaned into the pillow that my face was buried in. He started fucking me slowly. Moans slipped past his lips as he filled me. He kept a firm grip on my hips as he buried himself inside me.

I cried out into the pillow as I came around him. He kept me against him as he came inside of me. I felt his cum leak out of me as he pulled out with a groan. I whined at how empty I felt.

He moved off of me and got up. I rolled to my back slowly. I sat up, breathless. I watched as he buttoned his jeans. He looked at me. He furrowed his brows. "What?"

"Did you not get enough last night?"

He smiled as he looked down, putting on his belt. "I'm never going to have enough of you now, babe."

I rolled my eyes and moved to the edge of the bed. I struggled to stand. My thighs trembled. I heard him laugh softly. I turned to look at him. "You have no idea how much I would like to kill you right now."

He tilted his head, "I can get the idea."

I walked to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower. I washed the sex smell off of me then got out. I dried off then wrapped the towel around me. Kai walked to the door and crossed his arms. I looked at him. "Go away."

"No." He leaned against the door frame.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the sink. "You can't be here when they get here."

"Why exactly are they coming here?"

"Why the hell should I know?" I picked up the brush. Before I could start brushing my hair, he walked over and took the brush.

He started brushing my hair. "They're coming to your house at 6 in the morning. You should know why." He sat the brush down and put his hands on my shoulders. He stared at me through the mirror.

"This is how they are. They show up whenever they want for whatever they want. I've gotten used to it."

"Okay, well, it makes you seem a little... neurotic."

I furrowed my brows, "What?"

"Well, I was going to say bitchy, but I'd rather not end up stabbed in the middle of having sex."

I tilted my head. "Sorry."

He put his hands on the sides of my head and tilted my head straight. "Don't apologize, it's actually kind of hot."

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