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The chill that surrounded me drew me out of my sleep. The pounding in my head grew as I woke up. The drunken haze from last night rushed through me, making my body flood with heat. I sat up as I recalled the events from last night.

I covered my eyes with my hands, trying to block out the light around me. Soon enough, I realized that there wasn't very much light to begin with. The realization was accompanied by the memories of last night.

I lifted my head and looked up. The only light that flooded into Kai's room was from the cracked door that led out of the bedroom. The burning feeling of vomit crept up my throat. I practically threw myself into the bathroom.

After flushing my vomit, I stood up slowly, steadying myself by grabbing the bathroom sink. My eyes met my own in the mirror. My hair was disturbingly messy. My eyes fell to the clothes - or shirt, rather - covering my body. It's Kai's shirt.

Why did I put on his shirt? Why did I choose to stay here? In his bed?

I fixed my hair and brushed my teeth before leaving the bathroom. I found my clothes at the foot of the bed. I pulled the shirt off to put my clothes on. I looked for my phone, not finding it.

I whipped around, hearing the bedroom door creak as it opened. I immediately regretted the motion, struggling to push away the urge to vomit. I closed my eyes for a moment before looking at Kai. My breath caught in my throat, and I swallowed it down.

"Are you okay?"

I struggled to get my words out. "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine."

I glanced at his boots as he stepped closer. I returned my eyes back to his. "Are you sure?"

"Mhm." I glanced at the nightstand as I pushed my hair behind my ears. I looked at him again as I crossed my arms. "Why am I here? I mean," I sighed. "How did I get here?"

His brows pulled together for a passing second. "Last night you were really drunk. I tried to take you home, but you said you..." He paused as if to think of what to say. "I brought you here to make sure you were okay."

I tried to keep my expression neutral. "Thanks, um... I didn't call you, right? I mean, you just happened to run into me?"

He nodded once. "Yeah. I saw you drinking and-" He stopped abruptly and then cleared his throat.

He pulled my phone out of his back pocket and handed it to me. I looked at it as I stepped closer to take it. As I took my phone, his thumb pressed against mine. I looked at his face as I pulled my phone from him. I stepped back as I checked my phone. There were seven missed calls from Care and five texts. There were three texts from Stefan. All of the messages were demanding my location and for me to come back. I assume that's what the calls were for, too.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I looked up at him. "I have to -"

The sound of the front door being knocked on interrupted me. The strength of the knocking made the sound echo through the apartment. Kai looked over his shoulder and then looked at me again. "Sorry."

He turned to walk to the front door. I put my phone in my back pocket as I walked out of his bedroom. I stopped behind the couch, holding my hands together behind me. I could see Miles and Steven begging Kai to come with them. Steven's eyes wandered past Kai and landed on me.

The grin that spread across Steven's lips was accompanied by a gasp, then a howl of excitement as he pushed past Kai. "You didn't tell me the lady of the night was here." He stopped next to me, throwing his arm across my shoulders and pulling me against the side of his body.

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