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I stared at him as his eyes followed his hand, which was brushing through my hair slowly.

"What are you doing today," he asked quietly. His voice was still gravelly.

"Painting," I answered after a beat. "I have to redo Caroline's old room."

"Want some help?"

I smiled. "Do you want to help?"

He looked into my eyes. "Always."

I raised up on my elbows and looked down at him. "You want to spend an undetermined number of hours painting a room?"

"Well, I'm doing it with you, so it will really only feel like a few minutes."

I felt heat flood my cheeks. "If you say so."

He smiled as he leaned up. He kissed me, his lips moving against mine slowly. He stopped for a second, his lips staying within kissing distance. "Do we have to go now, or do we have two minutes?"

I laughed as I started kissing him. I felt his hand snake into my hair, cradling the back of my head and ushering me closer as he rolled me to my back. His body laid against mine, keeping me pinned to the mattress.

He lifted off of me just slightly to move his hand between us. Two of his fingers rubbed my pussy slowly, making me moan. I gripped his forearm, digging my nails into his skin. He pulled his hand away to free himself from his boxers.

A moment later, he was easing himself into me. My breath caught in my throat as all my attention moved to him inside of me. My brows furrowed as my mouth hung open. He buried himself all the way inside of me, groaning.

"Does that feel good," he whispered.

"Yeah," I nodded as I opened my eyes.

I felt his hand grip my thigh. He started fucking me slowly, his cock filling me completely each time he eased into me. He pulled my leg up as he thrusted into me harder. I gasped as I felt him hit something deep inside me. I moaned as I rocked my hips forward, arching into him.

He started kissing my neck. He pushed against my leg, making my thigh press against my stomach. I moaned as he stretched me to limits, I didn't know I had. He started thrusting into me quickly, his body meeting mine each time he fucked into me. I yelled out as he pounded against my g-spot.

Chills scattered through my body. I clenched around him as I came. I squeezed his arm tighter, moaning. The orgasm that took control of my body was only spurred on by his need to keep going. His grip on my thigh tightened as he thrusted harshly into me one last time. He grinded his hips against mine, moaning against my skin.

After a moment of calming down from the euphoria that coursed through both of us, I moved my hands to his sides. I pushed against him as I rolled us over. He groaned as I sank down on him. I put my hand against the mattress by his head and pulled back just far enough so that I could look at him.

He moved his hands to my hips, rolling my hips forward. I moaned as my eyes fluttered shut. I moved my free hand to his hand.

"We should really go," I said breathily.

He hummed softly. "Really?"

I moaned as he rocked my hips back and forth slowly. "Malachai," I warned. He started going faster. I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't form words. The only sounds that left my lips were moans and whimpers.

I gripped the bedsheets as I groaned. The feeling of him moving inside of me while also having my clit rubbed against his body was overwhelming. I moved my hand to his wrist, holding it tightly. He held me against him firmly, stopping his movements as I came around him again.

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