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I stared at the coffee table as I loosened the hold on my legs. I could hear Caroline talking to Kai at the door.

"She doesn't want to see anyone. You're not an exception."

"Please, Caroline. She needs me."

"I'm sorry. She's just going through something."

"Can you just tell me why she's been ignoring me for a week?"

"She'll tell you when she's ready."

He sighed. "I just need to see her."

I could hear the battle she was fighting in her mind. I could feel her look at me. A few seconds later, she looked away from me.

"You know I can help her. You just have to let me in."

"She doesn't want to see anyone, including you. We just have to let her be sad for a while."

"She's not just sad. She's grieving something. I need to know what it is. I need to help her."

"She doesn't want help."

They went back and forth for a few more minutes. I pulled the blanket over my head, forcing their voices out of my mind. I heard the door shut, then footsteps. Caroline walked back into the kitchen, where she was making dinner with Ryan and Sam.

I stared at my phone on the table as it started ringing. The number that Joshua called from last time was displayed on the screen. I sat up and grabbed my phone. I answered the call.

"What do you want from me?"

"I already got what I want, Evelyn. However, I need a favor from you."

"Why would I help you?"

"Alaric and Josette are very fond of each other, don't you think? Though, shopping for baby supplies this early is a bit presumptuous, don't you think?"

"That's your daughter."

"She let me die along with the rest of the coven. As far as I'm concerned, she's already dead."

I swallowed the fear in my throat. "Stay away from them."

"Oh, I will. As long as you do as I say."

I closed my eyes. "What?"

"Destroy Kai and the life he's built."

I felt tears prick my eyes when I opened them. "What?"

"Lucky for you, you don't have to do much. As far as I can tell, you're already destroying him. All you need to do is get out of his life completely."

"No. I... I can't."

"Yes, Evelyn. And you will. You know how I know?"

"How?" I exhaled sharply as I wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Because you know how much Josette and those babies she and your sister are carrying matter to Alaric and the rest of your godforsaken friend group."

I shut my eyes as I took a deep breath. "Why are you doing this?"

"You'll know soon enough." I could hear shuffling in the background. "And don't forget about that linking spell between you and that boy. Sever every connection with him." He ended the call.

Everything was crumbling, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Joshua's smart enough to cloak himself from everyone, so he's untraceable. He knows I won't say a word because it will endanger everyone. And he's watching everything, which worsens this situation.

I can't live without Kai in my life, I've learned that. He's been absent from my life, but he's never been completely gone. Severing all ties I have with him is the equivalent of cutting myself into millions of pieces. If I refuse to do it, though, Jo and her babies will die.

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