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I watched him as he argued with Caroline. I've been sitting here, watching Stefan and Caroline go back and forth for two hours about the linking spell. Hearing the same argument over and over is beginning to feel tiring.

I left the room, which went unnoticed. I pulled a bottle of water from the fridge.

"This isn't your decision, Caroline! No one could've predicted this would happen!"

"I told you not to let her go! I asked you to keep her out of it! She doesn't need that psycho ruining her life again!"

"I hardly think he was the one ruining her life!"

I felt bad for Caroline. I wished I had never agreed to talk to Kai.

"She can make her own decisions! It was her decision to talk to him!"

"Talking is one thing! Becoming linked to someone is another!"

"This was her decision, Care! And maybe if she didn't want him in her life, she shouldn't have slept with him! The minute they started spending time with each other, she started falling for him! It's what she does!"

That shouldn't have hurt the way it did.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Really? I seem to recall the numerous conversations about Evelyn's feelings for me!"

"That's irrelevant! And it has nothing to do with Kai!"

I became irritated by the conversation. I walked out the back door, going away from the house. I made my way around the house. I sat on the porch steps and stared at the sky. I listened to the crickets instead of Caroline and Stefan.

I tried to clear my mind, but it was full of Kai. Specifically, the little things about him.

He speaks Italian and French. He can play piano and guitar. He loves the Smiths and the Beatles.

Suddenly, I remember every single piece of that conversation.


I stared at him as he continued rambling on about his favorite movie. Once he was done, the smile on his face grew.

"You have to watch it."

I laughed, "Fine."

His eyes searched my face. Whatever he wanted to find would be extremely easy to find. He looked into my eyes again. "My turn."

"Okay." I moved my hand from the couch to my other hand.

"What's your favorite band?"

I thought for a few seconds. "The Fray."

He furrowed his brows. "The what?"

I laughed, "Seriously?!"

He looked at my lips. "Yes, seriously!" He looked into my eyes.

I sat up, "Okay... I can't have sex with a loser who doesn't listen to good music."

"I do listen to good music!"

"Like what?!"

"The Smiths, The Cure, The Beatles, Bon Jovi-"

"The Beatles? Okay, I'm leaving."

I started to get up, and he grabbed my waist, pulling me over to him. I planted my hands on his chest to stop myself from falling onto him completely. I couldn't hold the laugh that slipped past my lips. The smile on his face grew. He leaned closer and kissed me.

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