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Damon, Elena, and Stefan left after we considered the possibility that Caroline had killed more people. I was too overwhelmed and exhausted to consider or care where she might end up after her no-humanity-high. Before the three left last night, they decided that I needed to come over to figure out where Caroline may be.

For the past four hours, I've waited here with Stefan and Damon and tried to find a solution to our problem. Elena and Bonnie went to campus for a few hours to study.

"I just don't get why she would turn it off." Damon resurfaced this topic several times before.

I rolled my eyes and got up. "Because she felt too guilty. She didn't want to live with her feelings anymore. I'm sure you can understand wanting to be heartless better than anyone," I yelled as I walked into the kitchen.

Talking about Caroline for four consecutive hours has made my brain turn into a liquid. After a few minutes of silence to myself in the kitchen, I heard the front door open. Elena started talking to Damon. I stayed seated at my stool at the island.

I looked at them as they walked into the kitchen. Elena walked over and slapped a paper down on the counter. I looked down at it.

"She's throwing a rave?"

"Yeah," Elena answered.

I looked at her. "And you didn't stop her?"

"I was too distracted by the fact that she was telling me about a huge party that she's throwing."

"That would've been the best time to snap her neck. Where's Bonnie?"

"She went to talk to Enzo."

I looked back down at the flyer. "Glow in the dark?"

"That's what you're focused on?!"

I looked at her. "I've had to listen to your boyfriend for the last four hours while you were off at Whitmore. You had the chance to get Caroline and you didn't take it. That's what I'm focused on, Elena."

She furrowed her brows, "Do you think you're the only person worried about her?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the one who's least worried about her. I just feel bad for the people who we're letting die because you feel too guilty to kill a psycho who's wearing the face of your best friend. She chose to flip her switch. Whatever happens to her because of it isn't on me or anyone else, but the innocent people who die because we don't stop her..." I tilted my head. "That's on us."

There was a knock on the front door. She looked at the paper. I looked over at Stefan as he walked out, going to answer the door. I got up from my seat and walked to the cabinet. I pulled out a glass and filled it with water.

I swallowed the drink I took. I took another drink. I turned. I nearly choked on the water as I saw Kai walk into the kitchen behind Stefan. Elena and Damon both glanced at me before turning their attention to the psychopath.

They both tensed immediately. Stefan looked from Damon to Elena to me. Damon started at Kai, But Stefan stopped him, putting his hand on his brother's chest. "He has to say something."

I crossed my arm over my stomach and pressed the glass to my lips. I tried to keep my breathing even. Thoughts of what happened in the alley crossed my mind. I closed my eyes for a minute, curing myself in my mind. I opened my eyes again to see Kai walking to the table and sitting down. He seemed relaxed and kind of bored.

Damon glared at Kai. His fists were tight and ready to knock Kai out. Elena seemed uncomfortable and impatient. Stefan seemed more uncomfortable. His arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned back against the island.

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