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The weight of my head was starting to get to me as I switched my eyes back and forth. Caroline and Damon have been going back and forth for the last fifteen minutes about what Ric and Jo would want for this party tonight. They started this argument in the living room, which is why I moved to the kitchen. The book against my legs, which are propped up against the kitchen table, has been stuck on page 217.

My eyes floated to the kitchen door that opened, revealing Kai. He stared at the two of them, confused, as he walked to me. He stopped behind my chair, and I tilted my head back to look up at him. He leaned down, kissing me softly for a second, then pulling away.

"Hey," I whispered.


I looked at Damon and Caroline again.


"You can't just say no," Damon argued.

"You're turning it into a frat party!"

"Because it will be fun!"

Caroline turned to face me. "Do you think a meteor shower should be celebrated with beer and horny college guys?"

"Don't drag me into it."

"Come on, Evelyn," Damon started. "This is supposed to be a party, not a funeral."

I looked at him. "I thought you hated everyone? Why do you suddenly want to throw a party?"

"It's not for me."

"I'm pretty sure that's been well established."

He looked at Caroline. "She's no help. Why is she here?"

"This is my house." I pushed my book onto the table. "You two followed me in here. Every five minutes, one of you turns to me to try and make me defend you." I sat up, putting my feet on the floor.

"Whatever." Caroline looked at Kai. "Do you think -"

"No," I interrupted. I got up and grabbed his hand. "Figure it out amongst yourselves. You have eight hours." I pulled Kai with me as I walked out of the kitchen. I turned to face him when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

He closed the distance between us, kissing me. He held me back against the wall. I moved my hand to his and pulled it down from my face. He pulled back from the kiss, "So do we have to go tonight or -"

"Yes." I placed my hands on his chest and tilted my head. "It'll be fun."

"We'd have a lot more fun in your room." He moved to kiss me again, but I pushed against his chest.

"We're going to the party."

"Okay." His eyes flicked to my lips. "What about right now," he whispered.

"They can hear us."

"So, we'll go to my place." He looked into my eyes again.

"If we start now, we'll be late. I'll have to come back here and -"

"Just bring your stuff." His lips hovered over mine. "Please."


He kissed me and then pulled away.


I brushed through the curls in my hair with my fingers, watching through the mirror as I did. I stepped back as I smoothed my hands over my dress. Caroline bought the dress for me to wear. She bought everything for everyone to wear to make sure they were right. The black dress is fitted and stops mid-thigh. The straps are thin, but they stay in place.

I stared down at the dress as I walked into the living room, making sure it didn't ride up as I did.

"Oh, baby."

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