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"A party for a meteor shower?"

I glanced at Ryan, then back at the road. "Technically, it's a birthday party for Jo, but yes."

"And that's why we have to go to Damon's?"

I sighed. "No. Caroline needs my help with her dress."

"Help doing what exactly?"

I parked the car and unbuckled. "She's going to be really late and we're the same size, so I have to try the dress on for her."

I got out, and he followed me to the boarding house. "But your boobs are way bigger than hers."

I rolled my eyes and walked inside. He shut the door behind us. I stopped in the foyer, staring at Kai.

"What are you doing here?"

I stared back at Kai. "Caroline called me and told me she needed me to be here. What are you doing here?" He shrugged as he took a drink.

Ryan walked over and sat on the couch, "I just came for the joy of watching her be terrorized by the tailor."

Kai looked from Ryan to me. "Well, he just stepped out of the room to grab the dress -"

"You must be Evelyn."

I looked over at the man. He was wearing a bowie with his button-up that was covered by a fashionable, blue vest. "Yeah."

He held the dress out to me. "I'm assuming you don't want to get naked in front of me, so I've set up the study for you to be comfortable. This is the first option. There are about seven more. I'll be out here when you're done. My name's Tom."

I made my way to the study. I hung up the dress on the rack of other dresses. There was a trifold mirror making me stare at myself three times. I got undressed and then pulled on the dress carefully. There were no straps or sleeves. The front made a V shape. I felt tight around my boobs. Maybe Ryan's right.

I pulled my hair back, tucking it behind my ears. I stared in the mirror. It was stunningly white, and it had no texture or pattern. It was silky. It was form fitting until the midthigh point, then it flowed out. It looked hard to walk in.

I took a deep breath before making my way out of the study. I watched the floor to make sure I didn't trip. I heard Tom gasp. I looked up, and he was walking toward me. His hand was extended, and his other was against his chest.

"You look gorgeous!"

I laughed softly, "Thank you."

He took my hand, leading me to the middle of the, now open, living room. He held my hand as I stepped on the platform. I stared down at the dress, mesmerized by its beauty.

"Holy fuck."

I looked up. Kai's quiet words were accompanied by a stare that made me paralyzed. His eyes were stuck on mine. His brows were close together. His jaw was clenched. He parted his lips after swallowing. His eyes moved to his glass.

"...sure you don't need this dress? I could tell your sister I lost it or that it was taken."

I looked back at Tom, who was staring at me. "Sorry?"

"This dress was made for you, darling. It fits you perfectly. You move so gracefully. Tell me..." He moved his eyes to the dress. "Has your boyfriend proposed?" His eyes moved back to mine.

I tilted my head, "I don't have a boyfriend."

He looked shocked, then he furrowed his brows, "Girlfriend?"

I shook my head once. "I'm straight, I just-"

"Are you kidding?!"

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I closed my eyes for a few seconds. "Nope. Can we, um," I sighed before opening my eyes. "Can we hurry?"

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