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Happy reading, sluts!! xx

I kept brushing my hair, staring at myself in the vanity mirror as I ran the bristles through my hair. The knots are gone. I've been brushing my hair for a while now.

"He told me he couldn't see me."

Ryan sighed. "You've said that a lot now."

"He can't come over. He can't talk to me. He can't come see me."

"Yes. You've told me. What have you discovered?"

"He loves me the same way I love him. But he can't do anything about it."

"As much as I love when you talk through your feelings, you're going to need to elaborate, Ev."

I pulled the brush in front of me, staring at the bristles. "He never said I couldn't see him."

"But he... Oh."

I sat the brush down. "I can go see him, right? That's what that means."

"If it will make you stop staring at one thing for hours at a time, do it, Evelyn. You're obviously lost."

I sat there for a few minutes, the debate raging in my mind. I can go see him. I got up and rushed out of my room. I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I raced over to his apartment.

I knocked on the door senselessly for a minute. I stepped back, shaking out the nerves in my hand. The door cracked. I pushed it the rest of the way open and walked in.

"Sure. You can come in."

I turned to face him. "Tell me why you can't see me. Tell me why you didn't break the link between us if you didn't want me involved in your mess. Tell me why you can't be around me, but you can make me feel you everywhere. Tell me why you made me feel things for you, then leave. Tell me why you had to leave me, but you never left."

"You shouldn't be..." His eyes scanned my face as he observed my shaky, fast breathing. A quiet sigh left his lips as he stepped closer after shutting the door. "I'm trying to find Joshua and Lillian. I have to make them believe that you're not in my life, so they don't come after you."

"That's not why. They still would've gotten to me; they just would've gone through you to do it. We're linked, and they know it. Tell me why you left me!"

He shook his head, "That is the reason!"

"You're lying! You said you couldn't let go of me! That's the reason you had to go! You wanted to let go of me, and that's the only way you could've done it! You -" The words and my breath caught in my throat as his lips crashed against mine.

His hands were on me, pulling me against him. I pressed my hands against his chest, tugging him closer. His hand slid into my hair, pulling my head back. He slipped his tongue past my lips, gliding over mine and drawing a moan from my throat. His other hand pressed against the small of my back, holding me against him.

We only separated to catch our breath. He tore the top half of my clothes off, tossing them away haphazardly. His hand rested on the side of my neck; his thumb pressed against my jaw. He kept my head tilted back as he kissed my neck. His other hand gripped my waist firmly as he walked me backward.

He pulled his head back. His eyes moved from my boobs to my eyes. He only stared at me for a minute before kissing me again. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me onto the kitchen island. He lifted my hips as he pulled the shorts of my body. I put my hands on his sides, pulling him between my legs as I spread them. His fingers dug into my waist.

I rocked my hips forward, rubbing against his body. He moved his hand between us. His fingers brushed against my clothed clit, making me gasp. He rubbed fast circles. A whimper passed my lips. I shut my eyes tightly.

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