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It was quiet. I felt my heart beating fast, but I couldn't move. My eyes wouldn't open.

"I-is he gonna be okay. I'm so sorry my father did this. I should've protected him." I hear harry sob.

"Honey Zayn is a fighter. these wounds are healing. He is an alpha now He is going through changes, But I promise you honey Zayn can hear you. He is with you." I hear my mother say to him. 

"My father is looking for me. He is gonna come for me. He will come for all of us." He says. Desmond will come for us. He will come for harry. He damn there almost killed me who knows what he has planned for the next time around.

"We have to get on the move. They cannot be here any longer." Mother says.

"He's been knocked out for two weeks mom! How do we know that silver knife didn't have any poison or something and that's why he isn't waking up!" Liam shouts.

"We cannot think that way. Zayn will awake soon. We have to keep him and his children safe." My mom says softly.

Children? What children?

"Do you think Zayn will be happy with me being pregnant and all?" Harry whispers. And knowing him he is doubtful of me wanting our children. Wow our children. I have to wake up I cant continue listening to them rant on about things.

Move Zayn

Just move your hand. Come On!

"Did you guys see that! He moved! He moved" Harry shouts. which gets me more excited trying to move some more.

"Come on baby. Come back to me. Please Zayn" That pushed me over the edge I just wanna hug harry tell him I love him. Tell him How much I need him. Tell him how much He means to me I kept fighting until.

"Z-zayn?" Harry says as I look around slowly and see Harry with a huge smile on his face jumping into my arms, I groan a little bit.

"S-sorry I'm sorry" I just smile at him grabbing his face giving him a much needed kiss. He kisses me back. Its slow and sweet and full of love.

"Hi Princess I'm okay" I croak out. Mentally gagging at how croaky my voice sounded.

"ZAYN!" Everyone yelled coming into the room.

"Harry saved your life!" Liam says.

"what do you mean? wait how did we get out of there?" I asked Looking at harry.

"Well..You were bleeding out and I knew you were dying. So I broke both of my hands to get you out of there. Then you passed out and I moved you into the woods and I went back to the house and burned My fathers house down" He says.

"My princess I love you...Wait wait wait...you burned there house down? wow babe youre savage" I laughed amazed My little omega saved my ass.

" Yup and you know what that means for us zayn?" Liam says


"I burned the house down which had all there hunting gear. It will be months before they come trying to find us again. Gives us time to run away and get away from here. You know just, Me, you an-"

"And the babies?" I smile looking at him. he looks at me shocked.

"wait? you heard me?" He smiles.

"Yes I heard you. And I'm happy. Me and you Mixed into little people" Harry laughs cuddling into my side breathing in my scent.

"We will leave you guys alone. Everyone out!" Mom says

"Im happy to see you alive and well brother" Liam pats my leg leaving out.


"Yes Harry?" I look down at him.

"I want you to kill my father" He looks into my eyes with a serious look.


YES It has been 4 years, but what wattpad writer you know gives you a chapter? exactlyyy LOL IM SORRY YALL FR 

I'm 23 now I have A daughter life is crazy and hectic. I honestly forgot how this damn book went but I hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be the last sadly I had so many ideas for this book, then boom college, Men, Pregnancy Life really is crazy LOL. but anyways thank yall for this amazing journey and thank you guys for taking the time to read my stories still yall are truly the best!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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