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I sat on the edge of creek looking at the water. Thinking about harry.




He was in my head and wouldn't get out of it. I just met him today and he's not leaving my mind. I don't wanna fall in love again I won't. Harry could be different maybe even the one but I still wouldn't care because I believe carter was my one and only love.

"Hey.." I jump up growling seeing its liam calming down.

"Oh it's you" I say sitting down.

"Yeah mom told me to follow you...I seen the interaction with harry" He says.

"Okay and?"

"Okay and you like the little human" He says making me scoff.

"You like him Zayn stop denying your affection for someone...carter would want you happy and to move on" He says making me sigh tearing up.

"I-I ca-"

"No stop you can give harry a chance don't block your affection out for someone because of the pass...besides harry is human now you really have nothing worry about. He won't get hurt" He says making me think.

"You're right....Thank li" I smile hugging him.

"You're welcome" He smiles hugging me back.


Next morning

I was at my locker putting up some books before I seen Harry walking over to him,


"Oh hey Zayn" He frowns looking at me.
"Look har-"
"No it's fine you don't wanna be my friend I-I get it" He says walking away but I grabbed his arm turning him around.

"No I do wanna be your friend...Maybe more I don't know okay harry...J-Just" I sigh. "You wanna go out sometime?" I ask seeing his eyes light up.

"Y-Yes I would love too." He smiles giggling. I smiles nodding my head.

"Here's my number send me your address and I'll come get you tonight at 6?" I give him the paper

He nodded his head taking it "Uh Yeah...I cant wait Zayn" He smiles kissing my cheek walking to class.

I gotta date


Wait till you figure out who his daddy is😂😂

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