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2 weeks since harry became a werewolf and it's been going well I guess. He learned how to control his shift.

He also told me he wasn't gonna tell his parents which is a good thing. I'm glad he isn't gonna tell his parents.

"Zayn were you listening" Harry says making me look at him.

"No what you say" I ask looking at him.

"That girl over there keeps staring at me" he frowns looking ahead. I follow his gaze eyes widen.

"Harry we have to go" I mutter quietly.

"What no what about our cute picnic date" He frowns.

I growl looking at him. "get up no-"

"Leaving so soon" I turn around to see the woman who was staring at us from afar.


"We are leaving roxy leave him alone." I say.

"You know I can't do that Zayn he's part of our pack. He's in Kane's pack not yours" She says reaching for harry, I pushed her back making her hit a tree groaning.

"Run" I told harry grabbing his hand running into the woods.

"Z-Zayn Who was that" Harry whimpered running.

"Roxy a member of Kane's pack" I say.

"YOURE NOT FAST ZAYN" I heard roxy Yell from the distance making me drag harry along faster.

"GOTCHA" I heard I looked up to see roxy about to attack harry, but i stood in front of him being tackled to the floor wrestling roxy.

"R-run harry. NOW" I roar clawing at roxys face seeing harry take off. Finally he listened for once.

"He's our omega" She growls digging her nails deep into my stomach making me choke out blood and blood to seep out my shirt.

She dropped me to knees making me hold my stomach about to walk away until I grabbed her holding her head in my hands snapping her neck.

"Stupid bitch" I spit my blood from my mouth on her walking to where I hear harry.

But he sounded like he was talking to someone.

"Harry we are hunting you know the woods are dangerous why are you running all through here" I heard. I peek through the bushes gasping at what I seen.

Desmond styles.

Harry styles.

I can fucking believe this

I turn around from the woods running away fastly.

Zayn found out😭

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