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No ones pov:

Des didn't know what to do at this point. His perfect son was a monster. Something he despised. He couldn't kill his son. He needed to find a cure and fast. Where can he find one he thought.

Desmond paces back and forth looking at Zayns and Harry's Body's on the ground. They both were chained to the wall they weren't getting out of that anytime soon.

The witch he thought. He knows where she is so he's gonna go get her and make her change her son back.

Little did he know that witch isn't gonna change Harry back at all do to him having pups growing inside him Already.


As Desmond was upstairs Harry began waking up smelling blood. He looked over to see Zayn bleeding out rather slowly, surely there was puddle of blood by his side.

Harry heard his breathing. It was slow and Ragged.

"Z-Zayn" Harry whispers our tearing up.

"Zayn baby please wake up" Harry cries out quietly.

"Hm" Zayn says quietly.

"Imma get you out o-okay" Harry says sniffling to not hearing a response. Harry became more worried pulling on the cuffs.

"Ugh!" He cried out in frustration.

"Come on" He cries angrily pulling at the cuffs. He pulled so hard he began to bleed around his hands.

"Please god please please" Harry whispers out. All he wanted was to save the love of his life.

Harry took a deep breath getting an idea biting his lip twisting his hand hearing a crack...He broke one hand biting down on his lip causing blood to dribble down his mouth.

"Fuck!" Harry whispered yelled getting his other hand out putting them both back in place getting the chains off of him.

He looks to make sure no one is around to stop him Grabbing Zayn untying him putting a wet cloth to his wound.

Harry looks around looking for exit seeing a door holding Zayn by the waist walking to the door.

"Baby stay with me we're almost out please stay with me" I Cry.

"H-Harry" He wheezes out.

"I know baby just keep walking we're gonna Be out of here I promise...I promise" Harry says to Zayn.

But that was the last thing Zayn heard before he passed out completely.


Poor Zaynie y'all I'm on a role updating my books

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