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I ran as fast as I could through the woods trying to dodge the hunters arrows and bullets. I got grazed by one on my arm seeing smoke come from the wound. Silver bullet. Gonna take longer to heal.

I kept running growling seeing a hunter up ahead he was about to shoot me with an arrow I move out the way Making the arrow go past me hitting a tree I see him trying to put one back on the bow but I knocked him to the floor slashing his throat.

"OVER HERE I SEE HIM" I look behind me running hearing running water.

"HE KILLED LUKE KILL HIM I WANT HIM DEAD" I widen my eyes hearing Desmond styles he was a well known hunter in this town everyone would least expect me to be a werewolf I'm quiet and keep to myself but then again I play football I try not to show my strength and running skills on the Field it's hard, but I manage to live a normal life.

Once I'm close to the water I jump into it letting the stream take me to wherever. I finally stop hearing the hunters once I knew they were gone I got out the water looking around seeing no one turning into human form.

"Zayn what did I tell you" I jump seeing my mother looking at me shamefully.

"Mother I had to hunt were starving here this human food isn't doing no good to us it was just a deer I got and he almost killed me I was protecting myself" I say. She sighs pulling me to our pack that's deep into the woods no one would ever come to.

"Zayn you have to be careful if they find out about you they find out about all of us." She says kissing my head.

I nod my head. "Yes mother I understand"

"Good now run home and shower you have a big day tomorrow" I smile nodding running home.

First day of senior year.



QueenTechnol thank you for the cover❤️

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