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"Harry were bac-What the hell!?!"

"D-Dad p-please Wa-" Harry began to say but it was to late Desmond grabbed me slinging me off of harry and onto the ground.

"What the fuck did I tell you I told you to stay the fuck away from my son" He spat kicking me in the stomach making me cough.

"DAD STOP" Harry yells grabbing his arm but Desmond pushed him back making him fall.

"I told you to leave my son alone you will pay! You fucking deflowered him! he's 16 you sick bastard" He yells kicking me and hitting me repeatedly.

I spit out blood looking up dizzily seeing his foot about to connect with my face but I grabbed it pulling it making him fall on the floor.

I grunt getting up putting on my shorts.

"I will kill you Desmond. You killed my men. You hung the boy I loved you will die..." I growl at him punching him in the face.

He grunts flying back. I went to him about to throw another blow, but he kicked me in the gut knocking the wind out of me.

He straightens up pulling out a silver knife looking me in the eyes.

"Let the games begin".

"Daddy stop! I love him" Harry cries running in front of me.

"H-harry fucking move he needs to die! Hes a filthy wolf" He spats angrily.

"He's not a filthy wolf they're all nice they don't kill." He pleaded.

I glare at Desmond clenching jaw.

"Move harry they're useless" He spat throwing the silver knife at me making it hit me in my shoulder.

I fall to the floor clutching my bleeding shoulder hissing in pain.

"NO" I hear harry literally growl going full wolf in front of his dad. He growled at him and bared his teeth at him.

"H-harry...w-what did you do to my son" He whispers out shaking.

"Worry about what your son is gonna do to you" I growl seeing harry launch at Desmond.

Desmond was too fast shooting harry with a tranquilizer dart. I see harry fall Limp turning back into his naked human form.

"G-get away from him" I say shakily getting up holding my shoulder that's oozing out blood, little blood droplets falling to the floor.

"G-get away from him" I say shakily getting up holding my shoulder that's oozing out blood, little blood droplets falling to the floor

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"You're gonna pay for making my son a monster" He said shooting me with dart making me past out instantly.


Dun dun dun

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