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"P-please s-stop" I cry as one of Kane's man beat me his name is Raymond. I spit up blood looking at him.

"P-Please y-you don't h-have to do t-this" I cry out only to be punched in the face.

"Kane wants to see how tough you are. FIGHT he doesn't give a fuck if you're omega, beta, alpha when you're in this pack you have to learn how to fight no matter what" He growled kicking me in the stomach making me groan.

"I-I'm not p-part o-of t-this p-pack" I choke out. He grabs my chin making me look at him.

"Aww Beautiful omega, but you are" He says punching me in the face making me pass out.



"His pack is full. Yet we have more men, but he has more alphas so he has slight advantages but we can do this. We fight for each other we die for each other" I say to the pack as we were getting ready to take off to Kane's part of the woods.

After my mom talked to Harry's father he left with a sad look on his face. Oh how I wanted to claw his eyes out, but right now I have to think about harry.

"Zayn There is one problem though we don't know where his pack exactly is" Liam says.

shit he's right.

"I know where it is" We look up to see our luna descending down the staircase slowly.

Lana Louis wife.

"How do you know where it is?" I ask

"I used to date Kane before he turned into this vile man....He's east of the woods. you have to be careful. He always has two guards guarding the entrance. There betas you can take them. Once you go into the pack house beware of many alphas ready to kill. You men will fight with honor. Not just for Zayn, but Yasir. I want kane dead. You got this Zayn all of you do" Lana says  looking at each and everyone of us. We all nodded following after louis.


Poor harry😩.
The fight and stuff will be next chapter and turning events. God I am so ready to write it, it will be up either later on today or tomorrow?

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