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"Mother h-he took h-harry" I told her.

"Kane?" She asks.

"Yes mother we have to go after him. I can't lose him. I won't lose him." I tear up.

"Oh so you suddenly care about Him?? Zayn you can't do that you can't keep fucking doing this!?! First you say you care for him then you say you don't what the fuck else is there!?!" Liam spats glaring at me.

"Listen here Liam I am sick and tired of you bitching at me Because I said fucked up shit okay I fucking get it!?! But right now I'm focusing on getting my harry back I don't have time to be arguing with you!" I yell back.

"What changed your mind then Zayn?"

"Carter." I say. Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"His spirit came to you" He asked.

I nod my head.

"Im glad you found your peace and talked to him. I'm also sorry. Let's get harry back"

"It's okay now. Let's do it" I smirk.

Ding dong

"I'll get it boys" My mother said going to the door opening it.

"Hello ma'am we're searching for my son harry have you seen him?" Someone said at the door holding up a picture.

Desmond styles.


Stuff about to go down next chapter.

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