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It was dark.

It was cold.

The smell of blood Filled my nostrils.

Where am I?

"Finally you're awake" I heard someone say. I flinch as the person grabbed my chin making me look at them.


"Where am I...let me go" I whimper.

"I cannot do that. You're apart of my pack. You will stay in my pack" He says.

"My father is the hunter...He will find me"

He laughs as if I just told a joke. "Your father is to pussy to come in these part of the woods. You don't think I know you styles. I was planning to kill you for so long because of your father Killing people in my pack." He growled showing me his sharp teeth.

"Y-you're savages"

He chuckles. "You're right we are we did kill people....But Zayn killed more people you can count. He even killed some of your uncles."

"Y-you're lying Zayn O-only kills when h-he has to" I sniffle.

"Believe What you want. Zayn might be sweet now? But wait until you see his true colors. He will kill anyone to get what he wants." Kane says running his nail along my neck.


"Stop what telling the truth about your beloved Zayn. He's as much of a monster as me....You'll See" He says.

His words replayed in my head.

You'll see.


What the hell is kane talking about?

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