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I been ignoring harry for days.

His father is the hunter.

Harry was setting me up.

He was gonna get my family killed.

How could he.....

"Zayn we don't know the full story okay? You have to talk to harry.." Liam tries to reason with me, but I shook my head no.

"No. I'm done with him I will never date the hunters son. He's a monster just like his father!?!"

"No he isn't Zayn!? Are you even listening to yourself? Harry is a sweet kid who looks at you like you're the only person in the world." Liam says trying to make me look at him.

"L-leave me alone....His father killed the love of my life" I say tearing up.

"I know Zayn and I'm sorry, but things happen for a reason" Liam says pulling me into his arms as I sob.




All I felt I should have told Zayn my father was a hunter, but I didn't want him to hate me than he already does now.

I sat in my room looking at the wall. Me and Zayn have been dating almost a month and I fell for him hard.

I never been in love, but I feel so connected to him. I feel like I'm always supposed to be beside him.

Am I in love with him?

Yes you idiot

I giggle at my own thoughts. I love Zayn.


It's a little to late to tell him since he's been avoiding me for days. I just want to kiss him and for him to hold me close to his warm body.

"Hello Beautiful little omega" I jump turning around to seeing the man who turned me.


"G-get o-out" I whimper cowering away.

"Oh don't be scared. I'll take good care of you" He growls flashing his red eyes grabbing me.

Then everything went black.



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