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"Zayn you need to forget about carter" Liam say sighing. I roll my eyes growling at him.

"I will not forget about him I love him" I say.

"Niall told all about you being nervous to kiss harry and stuff because harry told him...You need to get over yourself" He says annoyed. I scoff turning to look at him.

"First of all dickhead you don't know anything I loved carter and carter loved me. I get He would want me happy, but have you ever thought that maybe I don't wanna be!?" I was getting frustrated with this conversation I will never love harry like I loved carter.

"You know what Fine Zayn I'm done trying to help you find yourself. I get that after Dad and carter died you became bitter....But they wouldn't want you this way. You're making everyone around you sad...And I'm fucking sick of it don't talk to me until I get my brother back" Liam says obviously hurt and annoyed by me. He walks away making me sigh going outside running into the woods.

I was hungry I walked through the woods trying to get my brothers words out my head sniffing the air trying to see if I smell or sense any movement around me. I heard people faintly talking about a mile away from me. I have time to get food.

Once I seen a deer I ran towards it tackling it snapping it's neck quickly eating the deers meat. My family sticks with human food but once I tried deer human food never tasted the same.

I can eat Human food it's just deer taste so much better. I moan at the taste in my mouth knowing my face was all red from its blood dripping from the side of my mouth. Once I was finished I licked my fingers moving away from the deer wiping my mouth off.

"Anyone out here??" I heard behind me making my ears perk up. Voice sounded familiar.

"Fuck" I whisper running back towards my house before they can fully see me.

"Zayn is that you?" I sigh

"Yes mother it's me"

"Liam told me what happened and he is right Zayn" she says making me roll my eyes.

"Okay mom what ever I'm going to bed" I said going to my room taking a shower brushing my teeth laying down in my bed naked too lazy to get dressed.

Phone buzzes

I grabs my phone seeing I have a text message.

Harry: Goodnight Zayn can't wait to see you tomorrow!

I smile small at his text texting back.

Zayn: Night harry can't wait to see you either.

After I sent it I closed my eyes falling asleep.

My surprise I actually dreamt about beautiful green eyes.


Awwww Zayn

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