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"Okay okay one last question" Harry says making me internally groan.

He has been asking me questions left and right about being a werewolf. Sometimes I can't even keep up with his questions. Not to mention his scent has changed and I don't know why.

"Do they Zayn?" I snap out of my thoughts looking at him.

"Do they what" I say making him pout. I chuckles apologizing.

"I'm sorry babe I was thinking about something"

"Mhm...I said do they kill when angry" He says looking up at me making my lips go into a straight line.

"I'm sorry" He frowns.

"No it's okay. We're predators. Doesn't mean we have to act like one" I say.

"Have you killed Zayn" He bites his lips nervously.


"Oh why"

"Killed my pack members and tried countless of times trying to kill me" I say not wanting to say hunters to make him worried.

"Okay that's understandable at least you don't go around taking innocent people lives." He whispers, but I heard him. I wonder what he means.

"Hey harry" We Look Up seeing Niall and Liam.

"Ni Hi" Harry giggles hugging Niall and having a conversation with him.

"So you made it official huh?" Liam says.

I sigh "what's it to you thought you weren't talking to me"

"I don't want you playing him" He says making me growl lowly.

"I'm not a horrible person I actually like harry and a lot too." I say looking at him.

"Your heart didn't jump this time you do like him.....I'm happy for you. You deserve happiness after him bro" Liam smiles small.

"Thank you Liam means a lot" I say. He nodded holding his hand out.


"Bros" I said shaking his hand pulling him in a hug.

"Now why is harry a werewolf" He says. Making me pause.

"What" I say.

"Harry's scent he's one of us now" He says looking at harry.

I look at harry to indeed sensing that he is one of us.


Then it all can back to me.

The scratch.

Shit shit.

"Harry we have to go now" I say, but to late he passed out. I caught him before he hits the ground looking at Liam scared.

"Who did this Zayn?" liam says holding a worried Niall.



Now Zayn got two fucking problems😭😭

Kane and Harry's dad😭😭😭

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