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Liam ditched me for the Niall kid they seemed to have hit it off well. You can hear Niall giggles from a mile away Liam isn't that funny so I don't see what he was laughing at.

"Hey Zayn" I turn around to see harry.

"Hey Harreh"

"So do you wanna eat lunch with me?" I nod my head yes following him to a table. We both sat down setting our lunches down.

"So Zayn Tell me about you" he smiles eating a sandwich.

"Okay um my name is Zayn Malik...I have a brother and a sister....My dad died and I believe I'm a mamas boy" I shrug not wanting to go into detail.

"Awww Well My I'm a mamas boy too my dad is kind of a monster to me..." He frowns picking at his sandwich.

"What do you mean" I frown.

"N-Nothing it's nothing" He smiles small. I nod my head not questioning it changing the subject.

"So harry..What do you like to do?" I smile eating my food.

"Um I like to sing and Write" He smiles showing those deep dimples of his.

"Aww I like to sing a little bit"

"Oh my god I have to hear you!" He squeals making me laugh. I shake my head no.

"Oh come on Zayn please please" He begs pouting.

"Nope not giving in maybe someday but not now." I chuckle.

"You're so mean to me" He pout crossing his arms.

"Aww it's okay you big baby" I pinch his cheek making him blush.

"When does lunch end" I ask finishing up my turkey sand which.

"Umm Now actually" He says getting up throwing his stuff away. I throw my things away following him to his last block class.

"You didn't have to walk me to class..." He smiles at me.

"I know but I wanted to make sure you get there" I smile back.

He giggles "well thank you zaynie" He kisses my cheek quickly running into class.

I smile making my way down the hall to my class.


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