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I knock on harry door waiting for him to answer.

"Okay mom when dad gets back tell him I said I'll be back later" I hear harry say before opening the door.

"Hey Harry" I smile at him.

"Hi Zaynie" He giggles closing the door hugging me tight.

I smiles at his cuteness grabbing his hand walking to my car I have for when I need it opening the door.

"Thank you"

"Welcome love" I say getting in the car.

"Where we going" He questions.

"we're going to a movie because I'm not great at dates.." I say. He nods his head smiling at me.

Once we got to the movies we got out the car going inside. I paid for our tickets hearing harry complain about wanting to pay for his own.

What do I look like letting him pay?

"To bad harry" I laughs paying for the popcorn and candy making him groan louder. I laugh leading him to the movie theater.

We were watching the nun and I wasn't the least bit scared harry was hiding in my shoulder making me think about when carter would hide in my chest holding my hand for dear life.

Harry screamed again hiding his face now in my chest slipping his hand in my mines making me pause.

"Zayn n-no more" He whimpered.

"It's over anyway harry" I say shaking my head.

"You ready to go" I ask. He nods his head getting up walking out the theater with me following him.

Once we got out the theater we went out to dinner. We got seats and sat down.

"So harry Tell me everything about you" I ask looking at him.

"Okay um....So I have a sister but I don't see her much she's in college Umm I love my mom she's my bestfriend. My full name is Harry Edward styles and I love the color purple" He smiles but his name made me pause.


Desmond styles?

Nahhh harry couldn't be related to that monster. He can't be.

He better not be.

I shake my head.

"I love your name" I smile pushing my thoughts back.

"Thank you tell me about you" He says

"Well my name is Zayn Javaad Malik I have a twin brother named Liam And you know I love to write and sing a lil bit so yeah" I smiles

Me and harry eat and talk the rest of the night we laughed, smiled at one another the whole time. He was beautiful, his curls his beautiful dimples and his smile gave me chills.

I just can't love him like I loved carter Not ever....Carter is my only love and that's what I'll always believe no human is changing that.

I pulled up in front of Harry's house getting out opening his door seeing him blush.

"Thank you" he says smiling walking to his door. I followed putting my hands in my front pockets looking at him.

"I had fun with you tonight....It was nice" I smile looking down at him.

He giggles nodding his head "It was, thank you Zayn so much" He says moving closer to me making my breath hitch.

"W-Welcome h-harry" I smiles nervously seeing him lean up and kiss the corner of my mouth.

"I'll see you tomorrow" He smiles walking into his house closing the door.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Was he gonna kiss me?


Zayn needs to let harry love him

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