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I waited for Zayn to come get me sitting on a bench outside the gas station. I was on my phone watching silly cat videos until I felt someone staring at me.

I look beside me jumping seeing a man look at me with glowing red eyes.

My dad says the one with the red eyes are the alphas the most dangerous.

"H-hi" I squeak trying to move away, but the strange man caught my arm.

"S-Stop p-please l-let Go" I cry his long claws were digging in my arm drawing blood.

"OW stop! Help! Someo-

He jumped on me growling in my face lifting his head opening his mouth showing sharp fangs.

He's gonna kill me I'm gonna die.

I close my eyes ready for him to bite me, but soon felt the weight lifted off.

"ZAYN" I scream seeing him punch the alpha thing repeatedly.

"RUN" Zayn screamed as the alpha shoved him off making him hit one of the gas pumps. Zayn fell to the ground groaning.

I didn't listen to him I ran to Zayn holding his face in my hands.

His face was hard. Also if I listened closely you can hear him growl. He looked up at me showing me golden eyes and fangs.

He was one of them, but a beta. I gasp jumping back connecting with a hard chest.

"Did your little human find out about you Zayn" The alpha tsk holding me in place.

I gulp crying silently scared.

"L-Let him go Kane h-he did nothing" Zayn pleaded looking at me.

I look away.

"Aww he seems to hate you now how fun." He chuckles darkly.

"L-Let him go or I'll get Louis you know he will kick your ass again and again you son of a bitch" Zayn spats. I feel the alpha loosen his grip on me throwing me to Zayn. He caught me looking back up to see that the alpha was gone.

"Harry are you okay??" He says looking at me face normal and back to the one I loved.

I push him away. "Don't talk to me like this Shit isn't crazy Zayn you're a fucking werewolf" I practically screamed.

"I know I know and trust me harry I would never hurt you. I will protect you with all of me you have to believe me..." He says looking into my eyes.

I sigh pecking his lips.

"I think it's kinda hot you're a werewolf"

"Oh really" He smirked making me giggle.

"Yeah I love it. Also your secret is safe with me" I whisper against his lips feeling him smile kissing me softly.


Once we got to his house he brought me to his room fixing up my arm. Telling me about Liam and a little about his pack making me smile in amazement they sound amazing.

"Wow you're lucky" I smiles sitting in his lap hearing a low growl emit from him.

"No wonder I always hear growling I always thought I was hallucinating" I giggle straddling his lap seeing him smile at me.

"You're beautiful harry" He whispers.

"Thank you Zayn" I smile pecking his lips getting up. "I'm gonna put on my pjs then we can go to bed Yeah?" I say. He nodded his head laying down on his bed.

"I'll be waiting for you babe" He says making me blush go into the bathroom changing my clothes wincing at my arm.

Shit it hurts, but feels weird. I shrug it off going back out to Zayn laying beside him snuggling close.

"Goodnight Zaynie"

"Night Beautiful" He says kissing my forehead.

We both fell asleep minutes later.


Some Zarry fluff

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