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"Mom he cant be a werewolf. Especially not in Kane's pack" I say looking at Harrys passed out.

"Honey calm down. Okay? He will be okay we will protect him. He's part of our pa-"

"Got damn it Mom! I don't want him too he was supposed to be human!?! I didn't want this to fucking happen now he's gonna be hunted too. The full moon is tonight! I don't want him hurt. I just fell for him. This is gonna be carter all over besides the fact carter was born a werewolf" I cry falling to the floor

My mom bent down pulling me in her arms kissing my head.

"Shh honey, I know and this time we will help you. We will keep harry safe. When he wakes up we will tell him to call his parents to say he's sleeping at a friends. We're gonna help him get through this okay. Just calm down honey. Please" She soothes rubbing my back. I take a deep breath feeling my claws disperse from my hands.

"Okay mom...thank you" I say.

"You're Welcome Honey"She says getting up walking out the room.

Leaving me and harry alone.


Short but also working on next Chapter now

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