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"Dad you can't keep doing this!?!" I scream.

"Harry shut the hell up we have to survive they hate us just as much as we hate them" He says cleaning his guns and sharpening his arrows which had blood on them.

"Daddy you don't know if they kill people or not you assume because you're scared"

"I'm not scared of no supernatural creature. They all deserve to die they killed my father!?" He screamed at me making me flinch.

I tear up looking at him.

"Wonder when they will do the same to mine" I say letting a tear fall going to my room slamming the door.

"HARRY" I hear my mother scream. I lock my door packing a bag grabbing my phone ignoring the pounding on my door. Throwing my bag out my window climbing down it retrieving my bag running away from my house.

I didn't wanna be home tonight. I can't be home tonight.

I called Niall no answer making me roll my eyes.

Probably with Liam.

I could call zayn but it's late will his mother even let me stay?

I sigh calling him. Looking at the time 8:45pm.


"Zayn its harry...."

"Yeah I know babe, your caller id what's up?"

"I got into an argument with um my parents and don't wanna stay home...Please can I come over....Please?" I pleaded.

"What? Yes of course you can where are you I'll come get you right now babe" I heard shuffling then after awhile a car beep.

"I-I'm the gas station bye our school"

"Alright stay put harry I'm coming baby"

"Okay Zayn See you soon"

"See you soon love"


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