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"Zayn I was worried what happened!?" HArry says through the phone.

"I'm sorry harry I didn't feel good I had to leave I just wasn't feeling today at school..." I lie

"Okay where do you live I'll bring you some soup and we can cuddle" He says nervously I knew he was blushing.

I laugh smiling "You don't have to I'm feeling better now love"

"Well can I come over Zee...pretty please" He says softly making me tear up. Carter always called me zee in the most softest voice and the way harry said it felt nice...Real nice.

"S-sure harry that's great I'll text you the address" I say biting my lip tilting my head up to stop tears.

"Yay I'll be there then byeee zee" He giggles hanging up. I sniffled texting him the address.

After 20 minutes later there was a knock I went and answered it to see harry smiling up at me with those deep green eyes and beautiful dimples on display. He was really beautiful.

"H-hi Zaynie" He smiles at me.

"Hey harry um come on in" I say stepping aside seeing him walk in looking around.

"Nice place. It's beautiful" He says.

I almost let it slip about to say 'Like you' but I held back smiling nodding my head.

"Follow me" I say showing him to the living room. He smiles sitting down.

I sat beside him not really knowing what to do or say.

"You kissed me" He said finally after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah I know" I say cooly.

"Why if you weren't ready for a relationship?" He says.

"What are you talking about?"

"I overheard you talking to Liam" He sighs.

"So you were eavesdropping" I say eyebrows raised.

"No I swear I just walked past and heard. I want to know is there someone else?"

I look down shaking my head.

"What's wrong then you can tell me?"

"My ex passed away" I say rubbing my hand down my face.

"I'm so sorry Zayn" He says hugging him putting his face in my neck.

"It's fine it was a years ago" I say hugging him back.

"Still if you don't want to be with me right now I'm willing to wait" He says biting his lip looking at me with those beautiful green eyes.

I start to think. Maybe carter dying was meant to be so I can be with harry?

Then again I'll always love carter. He was my world. Always will be.

But it's been years Since he passed its time to move on.

"No harry I want you to be my boyfriend" I say seriously.

"Wait what?"

"I want you to be my boyfriend. He died years ago it's time for me to move on babe" I smiles seeing him squeal in excitement jumping on me kissing all over my face.

I chuckle holding him letting him kiss me. My wolf wanted to jump out in excitement and pound his little ass right here right now.

The way his crotch was against me.


I pulled him away closing my eyes make sure my eyes aren't changing colors taking a deep breath looking at him.

"You okay zee?"

"I'm fine just so happy had to take a deep breath to see if this was real" I say pecking his lips.

He giggled laying his head on my shoulder.

"More than real" He says kissing my cheek.


Zarry yayyy

Too I'm excited to write Soon about Zayn finding out harry dad is the hunter

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